A Win for Voters in Pennsylvania

New definition of cheating.

Counting all the legal votes.



I really wish people would stop just listening to the CEC and accepting what they say as gospel instead of studying how difficult it actually is to “cheat” with Pennsylvania’s mail-in system.

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How sad is it that republicans think it’s cheating when votes get counted. You know you’re on the wrong side when voting becomes the losing issue for your side.

Republicans know the more legal votes that are cast the less likely they are to win.

Oh…there’s no legal deadline?

Maybe they should, idk, try to make people like them more.

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Yes…the legal deadline is defined in the election laws PA wrote up.

States control elections, right?

Essentially they will be operating under chain of custody…they can count past Election Day but only those ballots that were cast by Election Day will count.

There are ways to do that other than a postmark.

There’s a plan…and you are correct…I do not like modifications being done at the last second because all too often, it leads to dishonesty. Now…are you in denial of this truth?

These weren’t done at “the last second”. They were done months ago.

It’s only getting resolved now because of GOP lawsuits.

Shenanigans designed to cast doubt on the process.

The plan to extend the count to Nov 6 happened back in mid sept. Not really last min.

Exactly, they kept all of the process in place for absentee ballots and just made Covid a valid reason for voting absentee. If they keep this process in place going forward I hope they change it to allow them to count votes as they are received and not have to wait until election day.

For generations, election day was like a national holiday when Americans proudly went to the polls to exercise their constitutional right. Our model was copied by other nations when their people won their freedom. Sadly (for me), election day has essentially been replaced by a vote-harvesting season, 4-8 weeks long depending upon the state, with unrestricted absentee ballots being mailed or dropped off at vote collection sites. Vote counting could extend for days or weeks after Nov. 4. With reduced capability to verify voter identity, the stage has been set for increased fraud.

This gentleman is speaking my mindset.


And must abide by federal laws/regulations regarding those elections.

That gentleman determined your mindset for you. How do you not see that? Can we agree on that? I think everyone agrees on that.

…cuz I’ve been saying this for some time and that was only queried about an hour ago. It would “appear”…you’re “blind to the truth”? Just sayin… :sunglasses:

To make sure all legit ballots cast are counted.

It’s a really simple concept.


Yeah November 6, 2020.


Now…remember that!

Why is that a win for voters? Maybe a win for idiots who can’t get their vote in on time.

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How can one forget the ballot deadline?
