A Threat to Our Democracy? antifa Mob Outside Tucker Carlson's Home, Posts Hannity, Coulter Addresses

Cause punching nazis makes you a nazi… love the logic gobbly gook there.

Who is the judge and the answer is what makes you a nazi.

Lol this again. Whos to say the nazis were nazis? I ask how can you spot a nazi. You know how we dealt with the Klan? We ran them out of town and made it known they are not welcome anywhere.

Well… to be fair someone like a Richard Spencer is petty low hanging fruit on the Nazi scale.

If only sonic rings were real :stuck_out_tongue:

Those with no authority to do so, attempt to stifle freedom of speech in a manner that can be deemed violent.

Not in November. Not at 20 years old.

Nice. Lovin’ it.

We have laws and you are free to protest, sue, vote, organize, advertise or what ever method you choose to express your dissatisfaction with what ever it is that you disagree with but…when you place your right above the rights of others, ignoring the laws of the land…you are the one in the wrong.

Lol you think its about simple disagreements but it isnt. One side will not be satisfied until you cease to exist, guess which one that is?

You’re doing the talking…please enlighten us.

I know the side you love to defend.

You don’t even know how much you don’t know.

People like a Richard Spencer advocates a worldview that would lead to the deaths of millions of people.

Yeah…they had a rally in DC last month and all 30 showed up.

Their rally the previous year, they killed one and injured several others not even counting the victims of the car attack.

That wasn’t Richard Spencer.

And a lot white supremacist idiots aren’t idiotic enough to march a year after a woman was murdered at one of their rallies.

Should Carson be harassed at his home? No. But he reaps what he sows. When you go on TV and throw bombs everyday you should expect some kind of brush back.

When you threaten him and his children, they should be severely prosecuted.

I defend freedom of speech because the opposite…like what you’re now promoting…is much more dangerous.