A serious question for our anti-Kavanaugh protestor crowd

What is your evidence to support that conclusion about Justice Kavanaugh?


The Democrat Party mobs’ leader DECLARES it will only be civil if and when they “win back the House and or the Senate”…. Hillary Clinton, October 9, 2018

I believe the calm victim of the attempted rape over the angry, partisan, unhinged testimony of the sot. Just look at that face!

I didn’t ask you what you believe. I asked you, what is your evidence?


They are not “liberals”. They are part of a Fifth Column movement which has no intention to adhere to our written Constitution and its documented legislative intent which gives context to its text.

His own unhinged testimony was the evidence I needed to have my opinion. I actually watched that testimony. I’m not relying on what a right wing radio entertainer told me to believe.

I’m still waiting for you to provide the evidence confirming Justice Kavanaugh attempted to rape Ford. Did he admit to this alleged attempted rape in his testimony? If so, provide the evidence.


The unavoidable truth is, Andrew Gillum’s and the Democrat Leadership’s socialist plan for “free” college tuition will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs

What, do you think I have a time machine and go back and tape it? Believe the sot if you want. I thought Ford gave very credible testimony while Kavanaugh just came across as condescending, arrogant, angry, partisan, and a complete ass.

You believe the sot.
Trumpers believe the sot.
Trump believes the sot.

That’s a great supporting cast for your stance on this. Especially the ever credible trump.

His past record on any lower courts was dismissed as soon as be began blaming one political side.

All I’m asking for is the evidence confirming Justice Kavanaugh attempted to rape Ford. Did he admit to this alleged attempted rape in his testimony? If so, provide the evidence.


Sorry, this is a circular conversation now. I don’t do circular conversations.

Aside from Ford coming forward 30 something years later. And aside from not knowing time or place. The very least that could have helped were her witnesses corroborating the event.

But with nothing to go on, the committee asked for the investigation. FBI comes back with nothing.

I am only glad trump apologized to kavanaugh and his family on behalf of the country for how he was treated.

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Well isn’t that convenient. Sounds like the dems have a problem.

Kav getting owned

Uh … the Kavanaugh protesters ARE anti-Kavanaugh.

Your opinion is tainted …

Sorry I don’t know why that pertains to the false accusations I was posting about

He did not blame the Clintons.

You don’t have to not listen to “right-wing radio” to come to that conclusion. :wink:


Or is that just more of your world class sarcasm? :wink:

Your sense of justice is like Medieval witch trials … if the suspect drowned, they were innocent.

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You are right … they are more like a mobius strip, than circular. :wink:

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