A serious question for our anti-Kavanaugh protestor crowd

No ■■■■■ I’m a Democrat.

Boozin’ Brett shouldn’t have tainted opinions, but alas, he does.

Directly or indirectly, he still used the Clintons in his rage-filled opening statement.

Sounds just like the CEC. Surprised he didn’t say “the biggest slam dunk in obstruction of justice is Hillary and the emails.”

He has been a Judge for 12 years. Surely you can provide examples of his tainted opinions.

He might have been impartial at one point, but blaming the Democrats and media for all his woes showed his bias.

His impartiality went out the window during the hearings.

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Mentioning Clinton’s name is not assigning blame.

And why are you surprised that he did didn’t say that? What on Earth would it have to do with anything related to the hearing? That you would even suggest that simply goes to expose your (collective) psychosis about all things related to Trump.

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What did he say during the hearings that suggests to you that he would not remain impartial? We’re not the Democrats directly behind the blind side the we all witnessed at these hearings? Who else is responsible for his woes?

For your sake, I hope you are never in his shoes. As bad as being sexually assaulted and unable to prove you are telling the truth is, being falsely accused of sexual assault and unable to prove your innocence is worse.

Nice ploy to pretend that Kavanaugh is somehow more partisan than a Ginsburg, who actually verbally attacked Trump in the campaign. But alas, it is left up to the SC justice to decide if they are so biased they can’t make a decision.
Ploy fails.


Not bias, observation.
Democrats jumped on unsupported accusatons of a personal nature to use against him. Naturally he reacted. My guess is that he will consider that his reaction is not sufficient to mean he can’t rule on matters involving Dem politicians.
Just my guess.

Personally for me, he should have been disqualified based on him lying in his answers to questions during his pre-comfirmation hearings…long before the assault accusation came out.

I’m surprised the Democrats didn’t make more hay out of those lies.

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He simply could have taken the high road and said that he felt that he was a target and that’s not who he was.

His tirade has nothing to do with the hearing? He was seething with anger, his emotions all other the place. He went from rage to crying. He displayed he is unstable. Not SC material.

He was responsible for his woes.

I’d like to hear what other SC justices think of his tirade and apolitical blaming. I bet some are not happy.

Good for you!

That albatross stench getting pretty strong?

So does Keith Ellison. He must have that privilege as well.

No he was not. He did not create the maelstrom that the hearings became. That was Feinstein and her Democrat cohorts.

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Just the other day I was at the gym lifting with Squee and Donkey Doug. In between lighthearted rounds of “Who boofed?” we seriously pondered the direction this nation was going, and thanked God that Donald has prevented a complete lib dismantling of our identity as a patriotic, selfless, and values-driven country.

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That’s easy for you to say. You are not on National television having your life’s work disregarded and your reputation shredded by unsubstantiated charges of alleged misbehavior from when you were in high school. it would be humanly uncharacteristic for anyone who was so smeared to sit there and take it unemotionally. You will believe what you want to believe no matter what, but I am reasonably certain that you and pretty much everybody else (except perhaps a sociopath who was guilty) would have reacted in a similar manner. Having your reputation smeared in such a disgusting manner for no other reason than because of politics would be gut wrenching for anyone.

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Do you have some kind of envy of people born into wealth. Was your life growing up so bad. You know money isn’t the be all end all of the world. To me it sounds sort of bigoted to demonize people of wealth just because they have wealth.
I think my life is great. I have friends and family that money can’t buy. They care about me as much as I care about them. I realized early in life that family and friends were the wealth in life that money can’t buy. I have never felt that if I had been born into a different family my life would have been better. We all get a short time on this earth and we had better make the most of it. Even in tough times I can always find the silver lining. And I can tell you that I have learned more in the tough times in life than where all was going my way.
I envy no one. Rich or poor all the people who have entered my life for a short time or a long time have made my life richer. I love them all for what I learned from them and hopefully they learned a little from me.


Plenty of public figures on both sides of the political fence got shredded by allegations just as bad (and more of them) and yet they somehow managed to keep their ■■■■ together in public.

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