A 'Scary' Survey Finding: 4 In 10 Republicans Say Political Violence May Be Necessary

True. Even MLK believed this.

What parallels are you trying to draw here?

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I agree with this.

It doesn’t mean that there shouldn’t be consequences for the outcome of violent protests.

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If it is justified, why should there be consequences?


Precisely. We witnessed violence all summer long and now libs want us to not to believe what our eyes have seen?

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What lib told you violence didn’t happen last summer during some protests?

Because we still have laws…

Libs been in denial all summer long…hel it’s a myth some would say.

But facts remain…libs see violence as necessary to achieve their goals.

I see violence as necessary to prevent them from achieving it.

Mmmm. I see. And if the law is unjust?

you must remember, for leftists, there was no violence to be justified throughout the summer, only love fests and (mostly) peaceful protest. Nothing at all like the 2 hours of violent insurrection perpetrated by 100% of Trumps supporters who knew what “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard” really meant.


Then the violence should bring attention to it and hopefully drive change.

MLK knew this

I know. But it would be justified if it were violence.

I think you just made MLK throw up a little.

But there has to be consequences?

Why would that be?

No, he’s right. King understood this very clearly. He was protecting the movement from perception.

There will be consequences. Even if we all think it’s justified.

Will there?

How could there be? Antifa, like the devil, does not exist*

*: Statements from the devil; biggest lies edition.

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Not a mention?