A return to normalcy and decency

he didnt do anything wrong by accident. he simply was heard saying what he thinks.

call someone a “stupid son of a bitch”, get put on a pedestal for apologizing. typical

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Accident or not. He apologized.

Would it be better to not apologize?

To be fair, it could be that Peter Doocy is a dumb son of a •••••

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“Conviction”, lol .

An offhand remark in a moment of frustration that was caught on hot mic.

only if “i’m sorry that i think youre a stupid son of a bitch” is best left unsaid

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frustration over being asked a tough question. after everyone was getting up and leaving. hardly a “flustered” moment

keep defending

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because he asked about inflation. right. i get it i’m aware of the democrat standard


A tough question?

“As the news pool was being herded from the room, Fox News’ Peter Doocy got in one last question, shouting: “Do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterms?”

Is inflation……bad.


How ever will Peter recover from this. I hope he’s okay.

sounds a perfectly legit question to me. not even that “tough” just humiliating

but it’s like acid in the face to loudmouth ass biden. hence his lack of awareness mumbling of his hatred of doocy


ok well i’m not doocy’s a big boy he’ll be fine besides i bet he is aware of what loudmouth leftist asses are like. goes with the job


Doocey accepted his apology. So was Doocey unaware that Biden was not sincere?

Meh. Hot mic. There’s a lesson here, but it’s not about calling a reporter a S.O.B.

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Not much to defend. Biden was having a tough day at work, let his temper get the better of him for a moment and it was caught on a hot mic.

Ya isn’t that the truth. He didn’t say that was a dumb question he called the journalist a stupid *****. Glad he apologized at the same it doesn’t feel like a return to decency. Three more years of this yay.


The left is comprised of truly nasty people. What’s the surprise that the senile clown is showing himself for who he truly is. All Lib leaders do it. Remember the despicable Maxine Waters and her calls for violence against conservatives and how many attacks actually were carried out due to her rhetoric? Libs have no capacity for tolerance of anyone who questions them in any way. Silence,discredit, humiliate, cancel, harass, investigate, arrest and insult are all tools Libs freely use against anyone who resists their agenda and it’s only going to get worse. They are not even hiding what they’re doing any more because they have to go all out to seize the power they want. The only consolation will be watching the useful idiots who voted for them suffering due to their own stupidity and the looks of incredulous betrayal as they finally realize what their leaders actually think of them. Unfortunately, normal and decent people have to suffer under these Satanic pieces of dog feces too…


The sudden concern for political nastiness is… interesting



Neither the questions asked by Ms Heinrich last week nor the economy/inflation question that Doocy was trying to ask today was a stupid question…

Now the person in the receiving end of those questions might be a little lacking in intellect…maybe that was the problem?


He’s one of the best reporters coving this failed White House.

Besides…in January 2020 Biden said this…

“I’m not joking when I say this: If you’re ever working with me and I hear you treat another with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise you I will fire you on the spot,” Biden said Wednesday. “On the spot. No if, ands, or buts.”

He called a reporter today a dumb SOB…last week he referred to a woman working in journalism as stupid…he went to Georgia and gave a speech in which he basically said if you don’t agree with him you are a racist…he spent much of the latter part of the summer basically disrespecting those who are not vaccinated…

Based on his own words shouldn’t clueless Joe fire himself?