A Question About Racism in the US

Libs will revive it…they need racism to exist.

There is less now than ever before.

That’s what I voted, yes.

If it less than ever before and individual, why is it the basis for policy?

Harsh as it is to state that unwed parenting and financial difficulties tend to go hand in hand, maybe some kids are better off without so much as a check in the mail from biodad & moms better off without dating, at least until the kids are legally grown.

Just got word the teenage son of an acquaintance killed him self. I’ll just reveal that biodad is not a good person.

Mom started dating someone else, & apparently he didn’t like the new man. He’s dead at 15.

The ultimate example of a child better off without dud is Jakaren Harrison. killed 20 years ago by her recently executed sperm donor Alfred Bourgeois.

Much fuss is made about welfare, maybe some are better off with that safety net than contact with donor.

This really was some unexpected sad news.

The bigotry of low expectations.

It’s just as insidious as racial hatred.

The modern version of the “white man’s burden.” Progs have the same view of black america that the British had of Africa.

“We will civilize these blacks. They can’t do it without us!”


Precisely…we just seen/heard Biden doing just this other day.

Biden is an old school prog democrat. They’ve always been condescending to the community.

“You can’t make it without us! You need us!”

It’s been like that since the early 60s.


Law or policy? Policy could be a form of leading the way or setting an example

Yes. Policy becomes law, it just doesn’t get voted on. See EOs.

That crap about not knowing the internet was incredible.

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Funny…my one token Black friend is internet savvy…and yes to all you libs out there…I said token. :wink:

A perfect example of the patronizing soft bigotry of low expectations.

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Ha ha…Hannity came on and he’s talking about Biden putting kids in shipping containers.

Have to find that thread again.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Still looking for an answer.

Ya I agree I don’t know the exact date seems started going downhill fast somewhere following the deaths of and Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.

At the time it seemed it was just focused on the police then it caught like wildfire and went everywhere from Halloween costumes, toppling of statues, and now the cancel culture.

Before the madness I never thought anything of race other than some of us are lighter and some darker and was genuinely only interested in difference of opinions never on skin color (Seemed so boring and uninteresting). Now all kinds of weird stuff is floating in my head from all this, not sure why all this was needed or what the end game will look like.

BLM the org was never about the police killing of black men. That was just the issue they chose as the vehicle.

I have tried my best not to get involved with the lunacy as much as possible but it is so much in ones face these days the obsession of it. To me all they are proving or trying to prove is multi ethnic societies don’t work.

I personally have never said that or thought that. I will admit I hold the belief and still do that Islam isn’t compatible with western society once the percentage of followers is high enough, the doctrine nothing to do with race. But when I hear terms thrown around that America is “racist to its core”, “irredeemable racist”, “systematic racism”.

That is essentially what they are saying whether they think so or not, that society doesn’t work, not sure what they will replace it with the west has tried all the ism’s with little luck.

BLM is about political power. Always has been.

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