A possible breakthru on covid 19

Everyone is aware you use the Bee as a satirical site.

Therefore my response.

oh i know. but many still run with the idiotic narrative that i didnt know.

i think it’s because for a few moments they fell for it and it pissed them off.

Numbers for ICU admission outcomes aren’t complete but don’t look great. The numbers we do have:

Lombardy, Italy (1,593 patients) - 16% discharged from ICU, 26% died, remaining 58% still in ICU after one month.
UK (2,249 patients) - 15% discharged from ICU, 15% died, remaining 70% still in ICU after one month.
Seattle (24 patients) - 38% discharged from ICU, 50% died, remaining 12% still in ICU after one month.
Evergreen Hospital Washington (21 patients) - 10% discharged from ICU, 67% died, 23% still in ICU after one month.

Hopefully things will look better someday, but as of now the mortality rate for severe illness is at least in the 25% range, but likely greater than 50%. If remdesivir could make an impact on that number, it would be amazing.

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I think they are going to have trouble with her and some other blue state guvs when it comes time to open things up.

She isn’t going to want to turn loose of her new found dictatorial powers.

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Anybody blocks access to a hospital should be thrown under jail.

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and the more misery they can prolong, the better the chances for “twilight” biden, assuming he even runs

That’s part of their goal. Things like shutting down church attendance, etc have long been dreams for people like her as well.

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this didnt happen in michigan protest

just another lame ass attempt at a lying narrative for idiots to believe

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It must be so rewarding to come into a thread where people across the political spectrum are sharing hopefulness for this medicine and piss on liberals. :us:


you got it

and it’s all unconstitutional

as you heard from nj governor: meh, whateva. i do what i want


It’s not. But the CEC thanks you for spreading the manure for them.

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That’s a nice after-market response.

It’s a shame the anger towards Chris Cuomo in the other thread from all who participated hasn’t been replicated with those patriots who blocked the hospital.

Liberty is held in high esteem.

We saved the hospitals.

Wolfy boy is a step behind. At least we can go fishing. He will forever be remembered for the truck stop closure fiasco. Trump and truckers corrected that.

Protest in Harrisburg on April 20.

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Hopefully these protestors won’t block access to hospitals…


Should have a big police presence.

ah good to know thanks

Congrats on posting something positive. :tumbler_glass:

this didnt happen in michigan. why would it here?

i realize the demon media is desperate for a negative narrative and alll

From 104 degree fever & struggling to breathe to being weaned off supplemental oxygen within a few days.

This is promising news. I hope it gets approved.