A List of All the Things George Santos, the Scamming Congressman-Elect, Has Lied About

Never say never. Standing up to Romney and getting his constituents favor could go a long way.


On Long Island?

Where do you guys get this stuff? I really want to know who feeds into this.

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I will put you down as a NON Desantos fan.

I like him. He out lied the liars.

I doubt his constituents care about Santos ā€œstickingā€ it to Romney. Even though this is good fodder for political messageboards, it does not resonate with the majority of the electorate

Outlied the liars isnā€™t any kind of an accomplishment. But i can see the appeal to youā€¦.

That doesnā€™t take away from the fact that he is not getting re elected, if he even gets to finish out his term given his campaign finance issues.

I will never understand why people canā€™t differentiate between how political wonks think and how the general populace thinks.

Exactly. Most people donā€™t really think about politics until around near to election day and even then its not a detailed deep dive of the issues. I suspect most people vote based on ā€œtraditionā€ or what their git tells them.

Great Freudian slip from an Englishman :grin:

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Tell us smartest man in the room just how does the general populace think?

No problem.

The general populace could not give a crap about Russian collusion. The democrats who kept pushing the story completely misread the electorate and their happiness with the then President Trumpā€™s economy

How is that?

The only room in which i am the smartest man is an empty one. Just fyi.

What we consider of import as political nerds often isnā€™t what the general populace considers important.

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Some think they are smarter than the average person when they are nothing more than an average person themselves.

Absolutely! Probably why pride is a deadly sin.

Why Pierre Delecto thinks he gets to say who belongs and who doesnā€™t.


Politicians have opinions on each other. Weirdness :hushed::grin:

Santos did give him an earful for his trouble.

Well technically speaking. Since you are using ā€œaverage personā€ as the metricā€¦

Yes some would be smarter than the average, some would be dumber than a bunch of rocks.

Hence it being an ā€œaverageā€.


Itā€™s like the world is shocked politicians lie. Russian collusion was a bigger lie. Hunters Lap top was also a much bigger lie.

How about we removed the pensions of the retired 50 intel agents who lied about Hunterā€™s laptop. Like Clapper, and Leon Pennetta. Guys who lied for decades about govt. and got rich doing itā€¦ They had tons of power and now are known liars.

Ok, I suggest we impeach all politicians and agency people who lie. LOLā€¦ So that would be all of them, right?


Heā€™ll be gone soon.


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They are there to shake his hand and congratulate him for sticking it to Romney.

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