A key narrative about January 6 just collapsed


You canā€™t?

How about money and votes from people like you?

Laugh my friend butā€¦I thought you were now a lawyer? He just set himself up for an easy lawsuitā€¦IFā€¦heā€™s lying?

Thatā€™s the whole point - itā€™s not an easy lawsuit - it may not even be a lawsuit at all.

What do you think he could be sued for, for making this story up?

You really should do an internet search for his name. Heā€™s a Jacob Wohl-level grifter.

He just involved the FBI and are you kidding me? Tax payer money? Have you ever heard of Donald Trump? How many millions upon millions upon millions have been spent, without any convictions of what was being litigated?

You canā€™t think of anything? What possibly could a conservative running for Congress gain by leveraging voter distrust in the federal government?

Surely not attention, press, donations, votes. Youā€™re probably right, nothing to gain.

What crime or tort do you believe Mr. Myers would have been ā€œguiltyā€ (or liable for), if he was lying?

The FBI canā€™t sue him for defamation. It may be a crime to lie to the FBI, but lying about the FBI is not.

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ā€¦and now the ā€œPipe Bombā€ story? Hereā€™s a reminder;

Pipe bombs found near Capitol on January 6 were placed the night before, FBI says

Notice the date of the article. This is the epitome of a sheople trough. Now ask yourself, what did you regurgibleat here in Hannity Land about this? Did you swallow the corrupt establishment garbage?


The FBI turned all of the cameras away, where some had been in position for well over a year, JUST before it exposed the truth that this was another FBI lying set up to sheoplize their story of the J6 insurrection.

The FBI needs itā€™s house cleaned starting at the very top with WRAY!

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Just in time for election season.


FBI agents galore?

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Mostly these guys


Is there video of Senators and Members of Congress screaming, panicking, and running from the mob?

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You know for a good moment i thought it was the scene from matrix (ā€œi know king fuā€) changed to that and then i remembered point break :person_facepalming:

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I look forward to more rioters being idenitified and prosecuted, just like what happened last time they released footage.

I wonder how many times you guys are going to fall for Lucy holding the football.

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When people are locked up for years due to the crime being ā€œthe danger exposed to the VPā€ and then itā€™s discoveredā€¦she wasnā€™t even in the building. She was removed due to a ā€œpipe bombā€ scare long beforeā€¦should the lying indicters who knew this was a lieā€¦now be indicted themselves?


You really have swallowed the lies they fed and youā€™re not dumbā€¦making this very scary. How many more exist like you?

What? Who was locked up for endangering VP-Elect Harris?
It was Pence they were looking for.

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Got another Patriot.

A Donald Trump enthusiast who appeared to fire two gunshots at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was arrested by federal authorities on Friday.

NBC News identified John Emanuel Banuelos two years ago as the man in photos and video footage who appeared to be flashing a gun in his waistband as he fought officers on Jan. 6, 2021.