A key narrative about January 6 just collapsed

If this is news to you…SHAME on you for having no idea what the hell you’re talking about.


When pro-Trump rioters attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, lawmakers and Vice President Mike Pence fled for safety. Until recently, the Justice Department contended that Vice President-elect Kamala Harris was among them.


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Uh, huh…after they were caught lying, that was the next bull feces being fed to the sheople and here you are regurgibleating it.

So out of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people…one shot a gun. Now if you were only concerned about guns being shot in your own backyard, I’d be impressed with your consistency but since it’s for no other reason than to spread an untruth…I’m not.

What the heck are you talking about? Everyone knew Pence was there. He was the star of the show.
J6ers showed up calling his name. They built those cute mini-gallows just for him.

Vice President Kamala Harris, who was the vice president-elect on January 6, 2021, was evacuated from the Democratic National Committee headquarters that day when a pipe bomb was discovered, a White House official confirmed to CBS News. “On that day, I was not only vice president-elect, I was also a United States senator,” Harris said Thursday morning. "And I was here at the Capitol that morning, at a classified hearing with fellow members of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Plus, at that point, she was a Secret Service Protectee.

So, it was no secret where she was. Whatever you’re peddling isn’t true.

Sedition hunters. Putin would be proud.


I just posted a link about a guy who fired a gun during Jan 6 getting arrested. Triggered much?

Weak sauce.

The left prosecuted people and have jailed them on the basis that they threatened Harris’s life and she wasn’t even there. Now…is that to complicated to comprehend?

just imagine if they put this much energy into finding and prosecuting other perps


Why do you keep saying that? The mob was approaching a SS protectee- Pence- and that’s all there is to it.

And VP Harris’s whereabouts were well-known.

“Appearing to fire” is a crime. Lock up your poptarts!


…cuz the truth doesn’t change regardless of your either ignorance or unwillingness to recognize it.

You can’t rewrite history.

There’s video. It’s clear he fired.

Some clear video of the pipe bomber too.

Did he? Huh. I’ll defer to your expertise.

Not an expert. I just read the news article.

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Nope says a lot. Kind of like the Gestapo are they not? Rat out your neighbor. Wonder how much biden is paying them.
