A key narrative about January 6 just collapsed

What was reasonable about it? She was unharmed. She had not attacked anyone else. The other cops around her were not concerned for their safety. And even if Byrd personality felt threatened, there was nothing imminent about it. Coming through the broken window itself is not a threat of violence against a person let alone deadly violence. You are wrong on this … very wrong.


There are some that are in the high 90s. And there was one that that was 100%.

It’s pretty consistent.


How so?

Each incident is unique with its own set of circumstances. Defense of a cop’s actions in one instance is not pertinent to a cop’s actions in another incident with different circumstances. In this incident, there was virtually no circumstance surrounding the shooting that compare at all with other incidents that we have discussed. And in many of the previous discussed incidents, the consensus went heavily against the cop(s) involved. i.e. there is no “always” about it. There is no contradiction or inconsistency in judging Byrd’s actions compared to any of those other incidents.

That’s fair.

I am of the opinion that the situation put his life in danger and I am not against a cop defending themselves.

When someone is fleeing and the cop kills them, that is an extrajudicial murder.

Fear eliminates options.

It’s been consistent.

I agree. Consistent in accordance with the facts and circumstances of each particular situation. And it is consistent in this instance as well.

Consistent in the comments as @FreeAndClear said.

To submit.

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As in “always, always, always”?


Pretty much. It is sad.


Ah ok. That makes sense.

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The PEOPLE’S house.

Here is a video of a press conference where it’s being exposed how our weaponized government targeted specific journalists who were at the capitol on January 6th reporting on what was going on. They didn’t do any damage or disrupt anything. All they did was point their cameras and expose what actually took place. The FBI has targeted specific journalists while ignoring others.

The journalist here is Steve Baker and in a short time he encapsulates the travesty of justice and injustice that has taken over our once trusted entities and being used as weapons. The freedom of the press is a paramount fixture in our Constitution. The current Administration believes they can ignore this and get away with it. Remove politics from your mind for a tad and look at this from a simple American POV. We must unite against these corrupt forces.


Here is Derek Myers who is now running for Congress and is now admitting that he was recruited by the FBI to participate in a major operation by them regarding January 6th. Is the MSM mentioning this? No. They are nothing more than political weapons of the FBI and our corrupt establishment. We have to get this from independent journalists who post the truth for their fellow Americans to see and hear. Listen up my fellow Americans. This truth will set the lies told that are in your head…free.


J6 Footage Shows Man Firing Gun into Air After Climbing Scaffolding https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/02/12/j6-footage-shows-man-firing-gun-air-after-climbing-scaffolding/

First time I have seen a firearm used outside the Capitol.

Why was this not disclosed and why isn’t the shooter in jail.

This is worse than Epps and Sullivan.

Wasn’t a poster asking about new footage?

Here it is.

You believe him?

I can think of NOTHING he has to gain by going down this road. How about you? Normally…one can’t say that. Agreed?