A key narrative about January 6 just collapsed

There is a far cry between ignoring a cop’s command to “put down the weapon and show me your hands” and “don’t come through that window.” Every situation where a cop shoots someone is different. Sometimes it’s justified and sometimes, as n this incident, it most certainly is not.

So quit trying to put us in a box. Defending cops in one situation does not oblige defending them in all cases. Likewise condemning them in one case does not mean they should all be condemned … and nobody here has done either.

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Why don’t you search the forums and find out instead of making accusations by innuendo?

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Before using deadly force? Are you kidding? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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The command was not to enter the building.

You guys defend them more than not. You built your own box.

Thanks. I have taken it under advisement

Now you are reaching. REALLY reaching.

Besides, trespassing on public property does not warrant the use of deadly force even when an individual is “ordered” to stay out.


No I’m not…What were the cops supposed to wait for? What happened to “he was in fear of his life”. That was always the go to, to excuse shootings by cops.

That’s unfortunate. That you think it’s okay for cops to shoot people for doing anything that they should not be doing shows just how far some of you© have degenerated.

And yes … That is exactly what he was supposed to wait for. It’s the law.

What were the cops supposed to wait for? What happened to “he was in fear of his life”. That was always the go to, to excuse shootings by cops.

I never said anything about warranting

Quit confusing us.

I anm discussing obeying officer commands to prevent a situation from escalating. Which is always always always what is said by the cop defenders in every shooting

A gun.

I disagree with that. I think that he was in his rights.

I am a realist. If I were to take part in a violent riot upon a government building I would expect that being met with deadly force would be something that was on the table.

Where I do not support police actions is when they shoot and kill someone who is actively retreating, or when they use measures to disperse a crowd they give them no where to disperse to … like what happened in Philly in 2020.

A knife

She/they were doing more than just trespassing. They were breaking through a window/door knowing there were cops on the other side. Thats kind of threatening don’t you think?

It’s not a right.

I’m not confused. You are completely off base with your absurd accusation of “always, always, always” defending cops who shoot perps. That is an absolute lie and you know it. NOBODY in this Forum has done that. To continue with that complete falsehood is tantamount to trolling.

You said it yourself … where was the imminent threat to life that is the required justification for using lethal force to stop a crime?

There were at least six other cops at the scene when Byrd fired his gun, some of them within arms reach of Ashley and some of them standing by in full view a few feet farther down the hallway. Yet none of them showed signs of alarm let alone felt their lives were in danger. Only Byrd even pulled out his gun. Not much evidence of a threat, I’d say.


If a cop is standing on one side of a windowed door, and someone is brazen enough to break through that window/door towards the cop…I’d say him feeling threatened is within reason.

Of course you aware but it’s ok. The funny part is that i said cop defenders. That you took that to mean you is telling.

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I think cops draw too often. And this is an example. It was a violent riot. He got scared and he had options.