A good explanation of the profound distrust of institutions, especially corporate media

What one was that?

The Unite the Right rally.

No…what rally was held to stop the removal of historical statues other than this one?

That’s right…look for a link?

They could have put one on themselves.

Attaching one’s cause to a Neo Nazi rally is really really really dumb. It basically guaranteed that the statues were going to come down when in reality the Mayor and city council were doing what they could to keep the statues in place.

The removal of historical statues was just then happening. It was new. It offended many but then you have people like yourself, who associate their love of their country’s history, with white supremacy and I’m sure it intimidates many. I’m glad that some have more courage to stand up for what they believe in, in spite of hearing obnoxious labels from those just sitting on the sidelines.

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I don’t associate the love of history of the country with White Supremacy.

Honoring people who explicitly fought for the continuation and expansion of chattel slavery is pretty bad though.

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:+1: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Carlson lies and pushes falsehoods.

But attaching one’s cause to rallies organized by Marxists is not really really dumb. That’s Different.

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Where are all the Marxist rallies?

BLM organized rallies are organized by Marxists.


Sounds scary.

Try anything involving BLM or Antifa:


I would make the case that BLM has evolved from Marxism to a form of Fascism. They appear to have adapted Fascist ideas related to racial and ethnic struggle as being much more important than class struggle found in traditional Marxism.


So, when the deception doesn’t work, you concede they are organized by Marxist, but resort to mockery.


100 million or so ghosts think so.

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When BLM organizes a March… which explicit Marxist ideology are they rallying around?

The motte.
