So exactly when is it proper to give alcohol to an alcoholic?
In my book we hat is called enabling.
And at taxpayer expense no less.
CA is one messed up state
So exactly when is it proper to give alcohol to an alcoholic?
In my book we hat is called enabling.
And at taxpayer expense no less.
CA is one messed up state
Literally tells you in the article.
I can answer.
Subway was able to turn a profit before, so why not now?
You are so full of excuses.
The blowback on those poor college students is mind blowing according to this study.
84% of students eat fast food, and now they can’t afford it.
What are they supposed to do? Figure out how to use a microwave?
Poor students.
Another great idea blowing up in their face.
Really? Now you realize raising minimum wages does nothing but increase the prices on everything with no actual benefit to workers?
My work is done.
If it’s people that we should pay poorly… it’s health care workers.
It appears that the libs running California agree with that. Fast food workers are apparently more deserving than health care workers.
First of all, healthcare workers aren’t working for minwage.
What Calif is considering is to force healthcare worker wages above market rates. If they do that, it will force the medical industry to jack up prices. (Thus the $4billion extra in costs to the State alone.) That means that overall healthcare coverage has to increase costs for everyone, and those burger flippers will have to decide whether they should pay for health coverage, or rent, or the car payment.
In response the state will mandate burger flipper wages should start at $25, and … etc.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
To cover the $4billion in added costs to the state, Calif will tack on more gasoline taxes. (BOHICA, burger flippers!!)
In the mean time, the lawn care laborers and supermarket checkers who are getting $18 aren’t going to sit by idly and watch the spiral continue without demanding higher wages too.
PS: Calif is running a budget deficit of almost $100billion already.
But that is exactly the same point when the discussion is about the minimum wage. It doesn’t matter what you pay the workers now … if you hike what you pay them across the board, the product will cost more to produce, which, except in a highly competitive market, will then cost the consumers more. Which in turn put pressure on employers for higher pay. And so it goes.
Getting this back on track, I have a prime opportunity for our liberal community to show us what they are made of, and become gazillionaires.
Today, I bring you the crown jewel of fast food, McDonald’s.
It’s closing, so it should be available for dirt cheap.
How about it liberals? Are you that allergic to money you want to pass up this opportunity?
Maybe next time read passed the headline before you try a gotcha moment.
“Coupled with the landlord refusing to negotiate on long-term rent, high property taxes, and a mall tenant fee — all of which combined to make the Stonestown McDonald’s the most expensive location to operate out of his restaurant company”
He also cited the $20 wage was the nail in the coffin, as well as inflation.
You should try buying it, it should be available dirt cheap.
Time to bring this back up with a new golden opportunity, this time courtesy of Seattle, WA.
The distressed property this time is a waffle establishment…not even a franchise.
It’s established (10 plus years in business), it’s actually quite popular, and it’s going out of business because the management can’t make the new wage laws fit their business model.
Who will step up and keep this distressed property afloat, and make themselves a gazillionaire?