A bunch of Dems losing their minds over the attempt

There is an unusually high number of Democrats contending that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump was a false flag. Jesus Christ. This is what the youngins call “cope”. Qanon, meet Blueanon.


To mangle an expression, what we have here are a bunch of losers.


No conspiracies.

Just a typical loner, who would have shot at Biden just as easily as at Trump. Trump was merely a target of convenience.

This kid may very well have been just another run of the mill school shooter had Trump not come to town and provided a target of convenience.


I’m still waiting for more information and am not trusting much that comes out right now.

Good to see you again, Saf. Still interested in one of those soapbox threads for my suggested replacement constitution like you once suggested?

Ironically, I have a proposed Constitution 90 percent drafted. Still a few kinks to work out.

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Oh, I’d like to see it. Can you send me a copy?

Oh, I remember when you suggested that Alabama’s constitution should be forcibly rewritten. I was surprised to learn that it’s even longer than India’s.

I could do that, though I would need to clean a few personal notes out of it first.

They did a minor rewrite in 2022. Removed racist language and deleted provisions and reorganized it into a more logical manner.

It is still WAY to ■■■■■■■ long and way too detailed, among many other flaws.

trump broke you guys.

But that would have been the most dangerous game of William Tell ever played though.

I’d like for someone to describe for me in detail EXACTLY how the “fake shooting” went down.


I assume you aren’t talking to me, but the people who actually put up these conspiracy theories. As far as I know, the only two people in this thread prior to your post both rejected ALL conspiracy theories out of hand.

Not you guys. Anyone who is stupid enough to say it out loud.

If they’re gonna spread that nonsense, there has to be some way to explain their whackadoo theory.

I’d love to hear it.

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For the moment, here is the basic gist.

Article I - A much more extensive and detailed bill of rights and liberties as well as institutional restraints on the government. For example a broad right to privacy and an explicit right to vote, which actually does not currently exist. Abolition of executive privilege, absolute immunity and qualified immunity for all officials, up to and including the President of the United States. Abolition of sovereign immunity except for the Federal Government and a broad waiver of sovereign immunity for tort and breach of contract by United States Citizens and Nationals against the Federal Government.

Article II - Major changes to Congress. Representatives would be elected by party list proportional representation and the territories, District of Columbia and overseas voters would have voting representation. The Senate would be selected by regions, by party list proportional representation and again the territories, District of Columbia and overseas voters would have voting representation. Each House of Congress separately or acting jointly would have the power of impeachment, the trial of which would go to the courts. Congress would gain significant power at the expense of the President. The veto would become suspensive only, overridable by a simple majority of each House. Congress would have to affirmatively approve all agency regulation by a majority of each House, but the regulations would gain the status of legislation, thus affirming Congress’s ultimate responsibility to legislate. The Congress could repeal existing regulations by a simple majority vote of both Houses, not subject to veto.

Article III - The President (and the executive branch and bureaucracy in general) would be severely weakened, particularly in the area of domestic policy. On the domestic front, the President would be reduced to an administrator, carrying out the will of Congress and having only very marginal power to make policy. The loss of executive privilege and immunity would further weaken the office. He would retain more power over foreign affairs and the military, but would be restrained somewhat, particularly by allowing Congress by a simple majority vote of both Houses to order him to withdraw troops immediately from any conflict. The President would also be elected by direct popular vote with instant runoff voting and the office of Vice President would be abolished.

Article IV - The Attorney General would be separated from the President to both further weaken the President and to provide an additional check on the President. This is the case in most States. He would be directly elected in the same manner as the President.

Article V - The Judiciary would not change a great deal, but certain changes would be made, such as having a Court of Impeachment drawn randomly from the Judges of the United States who would try impeachments. Judges would be forcibly converted to senior status when they obtain the Rule of 80 and mandatorily retired at age 75. Judges would be selected by bipartisan/multipartisan commissions, with a supermajority requirement to prevent overly partisan individuals of either stripe from being nominated. The appointments of United States Attorneys, United States Marshals and Federal Defenders would be made by the courts, not the President to eliminate partisan skullduggery.

Article VI - Deals exclusively with oaths of various kinds.

The rest is still unorganized.

Age limits would be incorporated for all elected offices and Offices of Honor and Profit.

No there’s not an “unusually high” number of people contending that.

Typical young male shooter.

No one, not even someone as dumb and vain as Donald Trump, is going to let some dude shoot a rifle at their head from a couple hundred yards out.

As you can probably discern, while there are many issues with our current constitutional structure, the imperial Presidency is by far the worst. Between Biden and his repeated student loan crap and Republican crap of various kind, time to neuter the Presidency.

But to do that, Congress must be made into an effective legislating institution and significant change will be required to accomplish that.

Minimizing an assassination attempt. Noice!


I agree.

We are witnessing the destruction of a generation of left wing democrats who’ve spent their lives pursuing power…and now in their old age are seeing their collective life’s work taken away because the country is sick of their BS.

The Pelosi’s and Schumer’s and Biden’s are about to join the realm of the irrelevant fossil.

Joy Reid? Seriously…that idiot is a crazed racist…yet MessNbc left her in the air and took morning schmoe off…that network exists for far left kooks and no one else. There is no reason to take any of these losers seriously…