A bunch of Dems losing their minds over the attempt


Not doing that in the slightest.

Still a serious act by a deranged individual.

But a target of opportunity.

Had it been Biden event, he would have still attempted the assassination.

His computer records clearly indicate he had no particular agenda.


They are some people exposing sides of them I didn’t see before. The podcaster Destiny who has a fairly big audience was on Piers Morgan and said he didn’t care at all that the firefighter was killed because he was at a political event hosted by insurrectionists so basically he had it coming, no tears should be shed he should have not been there.

Needless to say I won’t be watching any of his shows again; sad he has had some sane debates with prominent conservatives this event brought out his true colors.


Destiny has always been a joke. From defending opening fire on BLM protesters/rioters to being openly cucked, he’s been a loser from day 1. The only time I appreciate what has to say is when he is dismantling red pillbugs.

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You are right it isn’t unusually high for the left. We have come to expect stuff like this.


That’s wrong.


It’s all typical leftist clap trap by socially retarded libs.

There’s even that one psycho girl who calls Trump by his first name every time she fantasizes about him. These people are beyond sick in the head. :man_shrugging:


Don’t kid yourself those who have exposed their inhumanity and mental illness of TDS have paid the consequences like losing their jobs so with the few brain cells they have left they are keeping quiet and not talking out loud about how they really feel.

The left and Democrat pols have worked so hard to dehumanize President Trump and MAGA voters that they have lost any shred of humanity they ever had, and they are the stuff that dictators are made of.

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Most people I’ve heard talk about it, notice they didn’t shoot him until he got his shots off…

So … Does not make the feds look good. Incompetence or corruption just like all federal agencies…

I think you misunderstood me. It isn’t unusually high for the left it has always been that high.


It’s a dumb conspiracy.

Never attribute to conspiracy which can be explained through incompetence and dumb luck.


Take a moment and think about everything the left has done to try to destroy one man.

It started with the Russia collusion hoax…the efforts to undermine his first presidency…all the lies many times about him supposedly lying…

In this election they’ve tried to bankrupt and jail him…their lawfare has blown up and Trump has come thru it stronger. (Wouldn’t it be easier to quit grabbing at all the political power the pelosi’s and Schumer’s and Biden’s and Obama’s can collect and just come up with better ideas libs?)

Most of us would wilt under the ■■■■■■■■ that has been thrown at one man, Trump…he’s somehow come thru it stronger.

By the way lefties it’s been a week and there’s still more stonewalling and lying than anything else about that attempt to kill Trump last Saturday…all your leaders are doing with that game playing is fueling the speculation of people wondering what really happened.

Like I said…seriously libs wouldn’t it make sense to just come up with better public policy ideas…because all you’ve done with all the garbage you’ve thrown at Trump is show that he’s a uniquely resilient person who’s come through it all stronger than he was before.


She also called former President Donald Trump a “neo-Nazi” and “racist,” less than a week after he was nearly assassinated.

Link to Foul-mouth Little Girl Article

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I’m sorry if I did misunderstand but ICAM that the left always does or says the despicable and they always are guilty of what they accuse others of including, crimes, cheating & conspiracies…just saying. :woman_shrugging:

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That’s what it looks like on the surface, but I’m not so sure. The failure on the part of the SS goes to gross negligence. Hell, there was even an open window on the 2nd floor of the building behind the one the shooter was on. It also had a direct line of sight. This is all ignored. Is that typical? If it is, Trump won’t make the election.

I guess it is possible to be that bad. I just hope someone is doing a thorough investigation. Because the easiest way to cover something up is to say a dead man acted alone.



foresight is sometimes sorely lacked


The only new idea from Democrats has been the get Trump otherwise it’s been the same old suicide in painless policies for decades. Abortion, tax the rich, GW/CC, Big business, pharma, oil, all bad! And my favorite is building wealth from the bottom up and from the inside out, in other words blow up the country.


That’s what we’re doing, we’ve been winning the elections since Trump, no red waves, we still have the presidency and the Senate and Rs BARELY have the House, and think about all those judges.

It’s because we won votes.

You’ve been falling behind for all of Donald. He costs you everything.

So don’t blame Democrats and maybe go check out a mirror.

Weird. And yet we have the presidency, the Senate, and you all keep having the House slip through your fingers. Because votes and elections. Where was your Red Wave? The big midterm routs? What happened to Donald’s second term lol. Donald has been nothing but losses for you.

Maybe just maybe the GOP needs some new ideas eh?