98% of CEOs are expecting a recession

Historically, encumbemt presidemts with a recession in their last year lose. Bye bye Xiden.

Historically, the candidate who carries Florida and Ohio wins the White House.

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Oh no! Will the Walton’s be able to buy more sports teams and purchase more yachts?

Historically, no president with approval ratings this low has ever won re-election
Then again that’s unfair.
No president in history has ever BEEN this unpopular. Joe Biden is the most unpopular commander in chief in recorded history so . . . comparison is difficult.

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98% that’s reassuring

When you compare Biden’s approval ratings and the state of the economy in the midterms to that of Obama and Clinton, Biden should have got clobbered! As far as I’m concerned those analogies don’t apply anymore.

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Up is Down.

Shrug, well, maybe part of his disapproval comes from extreme lefties with daddy issues . . . and they vote (D) only because there are no bona fude socialists on the ticket.

Which means there may have been an intervening factor

For the life of me i can’t imagine what that could have been.

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There’s always a recession coming.

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LOL Good one.

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