9 year old American citizen detained dispite having proof of citizenship on her

They have virtually unlimited authority.

Navy Seals, Army Rangers…………

Not because of Trump.

Oh no…

No, it’s been that way for a long time. There are good reasons for it, but you know what they say about absolute power.

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Lol…dude seriously…lol just stop before you pull something

They think all liberal worship the government.

Registered libertarian.

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She might had like 20 lbs of coke on her. /s

Having worked at a bank, 10 minutes is the average. !/2 an hour if something is amiss. That was working in a tiny community bank that had all of 5 branches. The the person is moderately competent questions are asked while things are being entered.

The biggest problem of course is that with her being a minor, many systems will not any any easy way of validating information because it is not tracked. If only there was a school they could have called to verify that she attends and she is a citizen.

That the passport is a valid passport and the information given matches what is on file. This can be done electronically through CBP Pass.

Does your DL photo look exactly like you look currently. Mine does not. I hope you never have to rely on an exact same photo ID to keep you from being detained!

Wrong approach. It is the governments job to prove that it should hold you, not your job to prove that they should let you go. If there is uncertainty about documents, the person is free until the government is sure.
Its up to the government to prove they have a reason to hold people, not the other way 'round.

No one is defending someone making a mistake. They happen. They will happen again. The solution is not to stop attempting to enforce our immigration laws.
Do you have a solution?


Ya don’t arrest 9 year old with valid passports.

Then the solution is that no one would make a mistake. Fine. No need for 95 posts to say people shouldn’t make mistakes.

You people had a different opinion when Obama was in office. What changed?

Sounds like these kids are anchor babies of illegals, and GQ can go to hell! Just another bunch of hacks demonizing law enforcement. Most Americans are SICK OF IT!!

Most American support detaining and interrogating 9 years American citizens?