9 rally attendees test positive in minnesota

[quote=“AZslim, post:100, topic:236247”]

I see. I wasn’t asking you. You were asking me. So what you were thinking has no relevance. I prefer thinking for my self thankyouverymuch.

Ask the OP. He’s the one who implied it in this thread.

[quote=“altair1013, post:101, topic:236247, full:true”]

Guess what? I don’t care if you were asking me or not. It’s fun here.

How many people attended those rallies? If there were as many as usually show up, and only 9 tested positive, maybe the rallies are a cure.

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In order to get 9 positives at a Biden rally pretty much everybody there would have to get infected.


That was my thought as well.

9 out of 10-15 thousand is impressive for NOT spreading.

Like Chris Christie.


And what might that look like? Seriously, I am wondering what evidence you think suffices. Quit beating around the bush.

I’m not beating around the bush. What do you have? I’ll look at it.

Even then they’re all news crew.

And then there is that. :grin:

So you have no idea what evidence would convince you. Do you think such evidence exists at all then?

I’m waiting to see something.

How do you think the experts trace a transmission back to its source?

That’ll work, what have you got?

So means the experts use will suffice as evidence?

Maybe, let’s look at it. You’ll forgive me if I’ve lost a bit of blind faith in “experts” in the past 7 months on this topic.

You seem to be saying that you have nothing…FWIW.

Are you suggesting that 14,000 people standing shoulder to shoulder and massless have just the same chances of contracting Covid as 14,000 people wearing masks and socially distancing?

I just don’t understand the pass being given to trump for holding these rallies in this way. Most people on this site have expressed how they are taking simple precautions like wearing masks and distancing when appropriate, and yet many of these same people scoff at the idea that getting thousands of people together in tight quarters, mostly massless, somehow undermines the work they are doing to lessen the spread of a virus that is crippling the country.

I don’t get it.

That’s because you’re one of those internet libs that knows hundreds of thousands of people who have caught the Kung Flu, whereas I’ve yet to meet just one person who has had it. :man_shrugging:

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