85% of US Covid deaths were avoidable

The combinations were all tested too.

There are a lot of papers on it.

They were testing the ■■■■ out of everything… HCQ combined with anything did not work as well as hoped. It is too bad that it didn’t.

Show me one, just one peer reviewed study that tested that specific protocol and got contrary results.

A double blind paper that tested HCQ and what now?

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How does any sane person think the answer to someone over fifty or with a morbidity upon testing positive should be told go home and wait until you are almost dead. When a proven, peer reviewed in Americas premier medical journal 85% effective in fatality reduction treatment protocol exists? Insanity.

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No. Not that was reported anyway.

He did take it as a prophylactic. Not sure when he stopped that.

When stripped of all context as to what was actually going on at the time and faith put into a still unproven treatment… this makes complete sense.

Again, it is a combination protocol. You are hopelessly in denial. I can understand why.

A better answer was no treatment? Listen to yourself.

No, but they are in the tank for Big Pharma, which was in the tank for Joe Biden. If doctors go against Big Pharma they are liable to be “peer reviewed”.

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Some states threatened to pull their licenses if they did. That gets their attention quick


There have been psycho libs out telling people for years how they want the elder population to die off. This fits right in with their thinking.


These are the people youtube didn’t think were qualified to talk about medicine at that hearing I linked earlier.

  • Peter A. McCullough, M.D., M.P.H.

Vice Chief of Internal Medicine

Baylor University Medical Center

Download Testimony (143.9 KB)

  • Harvey Risch, M.D., PH.D.

Professor of Epidemiology

Yale University

Download Testimony (96.1 KB)

  • George C. Fareed, M.D.

Medical Director and Family Medicine Specialist

Pioneers Medical Center

Testimony-Fareed-2020-11-19 (155.1 KB)

  • Ashish K. Jha, M.D., M.P.H.

Dean of the School of Public Health

Brown University

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You caught us.

The paper admits there were no double blind studies done on the protocol.

That’s what you need when testing a complicated protocol where most people…even those with the complications…recover on their own.

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So it’s not a hoax like many people were saying?

On monoclonal antibodies. Another part of his protocol



Data from controlled clinical trials demonstrated that high-risk patients who received COVID-19 monoclonal antibodies had a decrease in the risk of progression to severe disease, hospitalization, or death compared to patients who received placebo was used in support of the EUA. The use of combination monoclonal antibody therapy could be considered in certain high-risk populations in an attempt to prevent hospitalizations. Given questions of scarcity, we would recommend that significant steps be taken to prevent inequities in distribution across patient populations with access to combination monoclonal antibody therapies.

Still think sending them home to wait until they were almost dead is a good idea?

Yeah. HCQ was tested with other stuff.

Double blind even.

Didn’t work all that great.

It wasn’t suppressed

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So the person with access to the best medical staff in the world… did not use HCQ? Weird right?

What use is a treatment that doesn’t work?

Given the facts on the ground in Aug 2020 where the medical system was being stretched and there was a poor regimen for actually testing for Covid.

I know that we have to forget recent history for all of this to make sense… but we shouldn’t.

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Keep on cracking that code.