85% of US Covid deaths were avoidable

This is just.

Lets all thank the Government, the media, social media and of course big pharma.

We were giving people who tested positive no care, telling them to go home and if it got really bad, go to the hospital. But there were treatments that prove 85% effective in reducing fatalities available, when treated early. Government, media and social media blacked out that information.

Supporting peer reviewed paper Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection - PubMed

Many other supporting papers there as well.

Credentials https://www.cardiometabolichealth.org/peter-mccullough.html


Any chance you can paraphrase what he’s saying in the video?

We were giving people who tested positive no care, telling them to go home and if it got really bad, go to the hospital. But there were treatments that prove 85% effective in reducing fatalities available, when treated early. Government, media and social media blacked out that information.


They wouldn’t even test me early on cuz I wasn’t dying.

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Those treatment options would’ve affecte(D) the election. Couldn’t have that when it hinged on as many dead bodies as possible.


Seems to me, they wanted more deaths.

His credentials



Yeah… that is exactly it.

You cracked the code.


Let me guess… HCQ…

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Watch it and tell me where he is wrong.

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Or dog dewormer

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I am in a low internet environment in the Maine woods.

How about doing that thing where the video is summarized so we don’t have to waste 20 minutes of our lives.

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I did summarize, I’ll copy it into the OP Here is the relevant peer reviewed paper. You are going to be pissed.

Maybe put this in the OP since the libs are confusing themselves again.



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Thank you. Now they can plug their ears and pretend this never happened.

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What am I supposed to glean from that abstract?

Read the paper if you want details on the protocol.

Quality conspiracy stuff right here.


Well I assumed you knew how to get from the abstract to the paper but here


All true. The left danced and cheered every 1,000 deaths. “We’re gonna win because of this!”
