600 bucks Seriously?

The printing press at the federal treasury.

It’s like hitting the penny slot machine after losing your bundle at the silver dollar machines.

It is an insult if you really think about it.

Business should have been paid first to not open. Now they get pennies.

I see you still won’t post or link to what you are talking about. Why is that?

So why wasn’t this recent “stimulus” able to be implemented before the Nov 3rd General Election again?

My wife and I don’t need the 600. If we get it, we will donate to the cause of our choice.

I guess stock market isn’t the economy like some one said. The best economy the world has ever seen. :rofl:

So why don’t you actually quote it? Oh I know. You tried to play gotcha but when you look at his actual words from July no less, they don’t support your propaganda.

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I litteraly use the quote function of this forum to quote it. It’s the most quotable quote a quote can be. His words in July was that stimulus money was coming ina few weeks. A prediction with no basis in any reality way back in July.

It’s not a gotcha…it him predicting very very wrongly…again and being called out on it.

And what do you want the federal deficit to be?

Here are his words “another of which is supposed to be coming in a few weeks.”

“Supposed to be” is not the same as will be. It wasn’t a prediction on his part. Congress was supposedly gonna get it done but they didn’t. But you knew that and didn’t want it pointed out. Halarious you waited 3 months to try and play that gotcha and still got it wrong.:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


3.1 trillion so far. Everyone could’ve received a check for 9,000 bucks for that.

36,000 for a family of 4.

Now that we’re giving money to Americans making less than 75000$ you care about deficit? It’s measley 600$.

Same goes for me and my wife. Same goes for the last one. We’ll probably do the same thing you’re doing.

Did you ask that question when the Trump tax cuts were passed?

How about a single rate tax, single deduction, and elminate all refundable tax credits and other refundable payments?

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Obviously you are new here. I’ve cared about it for years here. I’ve proposed a balanced budget/tax reform amendment for years.

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Ron Johnson is concerned. Very concerned about deficits.

He’s so concerned guys. Won’t you believe him?


I concur. You have spoken about the deficit at length at times. But, correct me if Im wrong, did you say anything about the Trump tax cuts? I don’t recall that, but they certainly added to the deficit.

I agree with the tax cuts. Remember, my amendment would call for a simple majority to decrease taxes, super majority to raise them. Tax cuts would then equal spending cuts under my balanced budget proposal.

let them eat cake

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