6 atlanta cops charged with pulling 2 black students from their car

We haven’t seen the video but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Police never do and never will make all the evidence available quickly or fully prior to trial.

Or hot girls.

Why not?

We have chargers in our cars. Getting them charged up isn’t the issue. Its the fact that we can’t record while charging. Alex wants ones that always record and we can’t turn off. The battery necessary for this does not exist in a small compact size, if it did cell phones would have them which is why cell phone companies would pay you billions if you developed one.

You also can’t swap batteries. Can you swap batteries in your cell phone? No you can’t in ordinary cell phones. Most body cams come in one of two styles. An all in one unit which is the lens, battery, and controls. The whole thing is mounted to your vest and the whole thing comes off and into the charger. There is no separate battery. The other style is exactly the same as what I just mentioned except the lens a separate part and connects to the control pack / battery by a cord so you can wear this part on your belt. The whole thing comes off to charge.

they literally are dangerous to the country.

I am sure a jury of their peers will see the entire video. At this point is there any need for the normal Joe Public to see it at this stage?

If the event itself is news, then anything that helps explain it in detail is part of that news. So…yes.

That’s why you switch them out at the house.

Manufacturers can fix that. Or you can switch the whole system in the house.

I will settle for in public on. In the house unless jailing or at the public desk, I don’t care.

With what? Departments right now struggle to equip all their officers with bodycams as it is. My dept just this year, six years after we started doing bodcams, finally have enough so each patrol officer has one. Detectives still don’t. Now you want to double it? They are very expensive and prone to only last a few years (I’m on my 3rd since 2014).

Oh we’ll buy them for you.

And now with em having to replace equipment cars etc. It’s going to be while before they get anymore.

Not sure how insurance works for burnt out vehicles.

Yeah right. You go ahead and try to get a budget increase for the cops. When it actually comes to funding police departments you see liberals and conservatives unite in opposition - liberals because they hate cops and conservatives because they are unwilling to pay the taxes and many hate cops as well. Even when there isn’t controversy against the police no one is ever willing to fund us to give us the training and equipment we need.

Federal funds. Like the tanks and stuff.