6,600+ days ago, I opposed any military action, I opposed it in the interim, and now we see its sorry legacy

The middle east said the same thing about Israel but we somehow forced them.

countries like to drag their feet, someone need to stand up and lead them normally that is America.

Except we are no longer the sole monolithic superpower. China is increasingly asserting its influence around the world and we are steadily losing influence.

which should drive the point of a united western front even more.

America is leading by being the first to leave
a war that has no end date in sight. Iā€™m sorry I am non-interventionist unless we are attacked first. Trump does not have a lot going for him heā€™s got a horrible personality, a potty mouth, not to mention the never ending ability to get himself into a mess. Getting our troops out of that hell hole is one of the few things I can say I support him on 100%.

Iā€™ve been consistent about this one can check my past posts :), I supported Obama in 2008 because half of me was terrified of John McCain getting us is into more wars.

We should also stop wasting our tax dollars by sending foreign aid. Cut it to every country - including Israel. Let them stand on their own two feet.


I one hundred percent agree, but I also believe we should provide some relocation for the Kurds in Syria to show other allies that we will not abandon people when we no longer have use for them.

Iā€™m playing the long game on this one. Burning bridges is not the best idea in a multipolar world.

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Jews know how important it is for a people to have a homeland.

It would be classy if theyā€™d let Kurdish refugees into their country.

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Trump could haveā€¦but the ā€œmaster negotiatorā€ is an idiot who wanted a hotel in Turkey and to do that, he backstabbed our Kurdish allies.

Hard pass. Itā€™s a pittance that delivers actual results.

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Did you just say ten year old lingo? And then ask ā€œamiriteā€? :thinking:. Wait hold on more emoji!!ā€™

The problem I see and you can correct me if I am wrong but the Kurds in Iraq are not big buddies with the Kurds in Syria. I could be wrong I remember reading somewhere that one was basically communist and the other not so much. But your idea makes since on relocation.

This statement is offensive, and totally repugnant,

Tell a parent whoā€™s child is crossing the street and killed by a Drunk Driver, ā€œWell he/she knew what he was signing up for when he crossed the street.ā€

I joined the military at 19yo. in 1981. I did it for a job, an education and a way out of the ghetto of Detroit. I also did it as a way to pay back the welfare payments that were given to my mother to provide me and my siblings with food and shelter as a child. I didnt do it because I wanted to go to war, even though I knew war may be a possibility.

What is it with people that can have absolutely no compassion for anyone other than them selves?

So you knew.

When it was stated that the 9/11 terrorists were trained in Afghanistan and that more would be coming unless we destroyed these training facilities, I was for that. When George and the intelligence communities pressed for going into Iraq due to weapons of mass destruction, I wasnā€™t for that and openly stated that here in this forum. Being a conservative, I was strongly condemned but did not alter my stance.

We get into messes we do not fully understand and in correcting one problem, weā€™ve exacerbated even more. I agree. Get out. Come home and stop interfering in business that is not ours. Stop spending tax payer money on wars that are not ours.

As far as the Kurds goā€¦I canā€™t just walk away and allow Turkey to destroy them. If I were the President, Iā€™d do something to help themā€¦even if itā€™s to relocate to northern Iraq but Iā€™d do something.

Nah itā€™s really not. Iā€™m the right age that basically everyone I knew who joined the military, even the Reserves or the NG, went to Iraq and/or Afghanistan. They all knew what they had signed up for and a lot of them joined before 9/11. They might not have been thrilled but they did it. I mean, whatā€™s a soldierā€™s job description?

Half the problem was how much the military valued force protection over accomplishing their mission.

Itā€™s not about a lack of compassion. I came within days of doing a six year hitch in the Army before I decided against it, I was already a paramedic as a civilian so when Iraq came around I definitely would have gone because they were so short on medical personnel, and if that had happened, I would have no one to blame for that but myself.

So much for ā€œpersonal responsibilityā€.

Yeah you see this noble and all .but he just deployed troops to saudi Arabiaā€¦

So you got a twofer hereā€¦we let kurds get slaughtered and more troops in the middle eastā€¦

So you guys thought he was keeping a promiseā€¦lolā€¦

You will never learn ā€¦

No, the American people are not at fault!