6,600+ days ago, I opposed any military action, I opposed it in the interim, and now we see its sorry legacy

Did you just refer to 2009in regards to a pointless war? That’s funneh

yeah. FUNNEH. heh heh fun-NEH

Anyone who is a current volunteer has only seen “pointless wars” in their lifetime…

nor do you

intervening and just leaving doesn’t work.
you need to build some system in those countries to stop it from repeating or your simply going to have to intervene again, and again.

the core part of the war on terror is stabilization.

ahh. yes “nation building”

now where have i heard that before…

dont forget Halliburton!

(seriously. jc)

Glad you agree!

Anyone here ever met a Kurd in the Middle East? No? Didn’t think so. lol

Obama withdrew troop from Iraq how did that work out.

not sure i disagree

Congress never declared war in Syria from what remember Congress voted it down but the troops were sent in anyways. And then there is Afghanistan when does America get to bring the troops home and the wasted treasure.

I actually am very sympathetic to the Kurds and have been from the start of the Syrian war, and I would have rather had them as allies than Turkey to be honest. The question I had was when will the troops come home from Syria? Will they ever come home? Or will we need to stay there forever between the Kurds and Turkey?

I think these are fair questions considering our track record of staying forever.

good! because it’s not funny at all

but for internet effect, make it “funneh”

because 10 year old internet lingo lands the point


The point being that people who sign up know very well what they should expect, and it’s not ticker tape parades and ridding the world of Nazis.

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the way he did it, horribly

thats not support to dump unending trillions into parts of the bar scene from star wars world while soldier after soldier dies or commits suicide

Syria is a complex issue we need to work out a multi nation agreement (working with Russia, UK, France) between Turkey, Syria, and Kurdish groups.

this safe zone the Turk are trying to build could have come into existence without bloodshed if we work diplomatically to ensure the Kurd right to automatons government in the region.

we could have pressured the Kurd to accept Syrian refugees from Turkey, we could have pressured Syria government to grant automation government to the Kurd in the North, but let them keep oil and gas rights.

we could have pressured Turkey to seek diplomatic path.

Sure I do, dog, my overall views don’t change depending on who the president is. A smart foreign policy is realpolitik.

Let’s talk about how my views have changed.

Turkey will NEVER allow an autonomous Kurdish region.

And complicating the situation is that because we stupidly admitted Turkey to NATO, we are a TREATY ALLY of Turkey.

The OP is better how? Either you agree or don’t.

we should kick Turkey out of NATO imo, but that will never happen because we can’t allow them to side with Russia which is already starting to happen with the new tinpot dictator.

I agree all the countries active in the region would need to talk but they have had talks over and over which usually resulted in nothing or walk out since 2011. That war has been going on for 8 years.