56 percent of people think we are better off today

Without COVID, Trump would win, but not in a landslide.

And yet … Trump is extremely unpopular. That takes skill.

I think trump would still lose the popular vote, but I think, without the COVID, Trump would skate by in the EC.

Trump had several chances to unite this country. He chose to pick fights rather than work together. It all fell apart with his “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!!” tweet.

not because of covid, which he’s handled fairly well. but because democrats have succeeded in convincing people he hasn’t. the truth is what it is, had biden been president with his pronouncements about covid when he made them, at least twice as many people would be dead.

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Pence and Trump did a very good job with the virus.

I still think he’s going to win. But his fumbling of COVID has made it an uphill battle, and that was a self-inflicted wound.

Propaganda works.

Trump is still fighting it and will win.

Keep pushing that false narrative…

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We all watched the daily briefing and added hospital capacity and PPE delivered.

And who screwed up the handling of it?

And Biden is going to unite the country? How? I’ve seen nothing in his agenda indicating that is a goal.

Imagine how better you would be if you had a “normal”, common sense POTUS!

This is very very minority opinion in this country and not backed up by data.


He’ll united it about as much as Obama did…who intentionally divided at every opportunity.

No …that was the CEC, and the outright hatred for the Potus with muslimy sounding name…

You aren’t listening to the people impacted by excessive shutdowns.

Trump initiated the made in USA effort with 3M and their added N95 mask production.

That means 44 percent are wrong.

I forget, is this the day we like polls? Or is it we always hate polls except for opposite day? Or it’s always opposite day for polls except today which is double oposite day?

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There’s no uniting this country.

The only time in its history this country was truly United behind a goal for an extended period of time was World War II.