50 years of fake news on the Climate apocalypse

The amazing thing is after all these failed predictions they still expect us to take them and their current predictions of doom seriously.

We are supposed to think they have it right this time i suppose! :rofl:

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Been hearing that for decades. :rofl::rofl:

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Well this couldnt be more wrong.

Mann’s defamation suit against Ball was thrown by the court, largely due to Ball stating his poor state of health. Ball wrote a piece that defamed Mann and his work, that was subsequently published by The Frontier Center. Mann sued them both for defamation. He recently won the suit against the Frontier Center and they had to apologize for publishing untrue and disparaging comments about Mann. Michael E. Mann took climate change deniers to court. They apologized. | Grist The court didnt even request the data, the suit was simply thrown and Mann was ordered to cover legal costs incurred. He has the right to appeal and indicates he likely will.

And he refused to provide his data? lol. This is how gullible some deniers can be… Mann’s data and code used to produce the hockey stick graph are right here: http://www.meteo.psu.edu/holocene/public_html/shared/research/MANNETAL98/ And it’s been there readily available to the public since he published his graph.

No, the Frontier Center published Ball’s piece. That’s why they were sued and lost. Ball didn’t win anything… he had the suit against him tossed.

LOL. No he didnt’. Mann had two defamation lawsuits going against Ball and the Frontier Center, the group who published Ball’s piece. Mann sued both for defamation. Ball’s suit was thrown, while Mann won the suit against the Frontier Center. So, of the two cases, one was thrown (e.g. no ruling issued) and the other ruled for Mann against the Frontier Center.

This should be exhibit A of people refusing to look at readily available info that they can get at with ease… but they don’t want to.

He did… it’s been available since he put the hockey stick graph out there. I linked it to you already. Go ahead and pull it and prove him wrong.

Is there a plague of gun violence in Chicago? lol!

It was tossed because Mann was to provide his information and never did. The only website I found claiming otherwise was the DailyKOS.

Why did he leave out the roman and medieval warm periods?

Because those were inconvenient truths?



That site says nothing about his methods. It’s called “baffling with BS”. Purposely complex to hide the truth…

It’s due to man and we know this because we can measure carbon isotopes to determine the source of the carbon in the atmosphere. The main contributors are us, the EU and China.

Your second paragraph illustrates exactly what I was saying. You go on to speak to the indirect costs (that Im not sure how you’ve quantified, but I digress) of improved technologies, but you’re omitting the costs incurred by the consequencesof AGW that come in the form of repairing damaged infrastructure, impacts to tourism, loss in soil productivity resulting in lower crop yield, water scarcity, etc. All of those have costs associated with them too.

Very true.

Warm periods are earth party time. There is no cost to them. We grow more food. Usually the earth is in an Ice age. And man was not around for most of those rapid warmings coming out of the ice ages…

Heres the actual court brief for your own review (bottom of article). You can read for yourself that the judge threw the case for excessive delays that was unfair towards Ball due to his age. It’s stated quite clearly.

The other thing that is quite clear is that the judge mentions nowhere that the case is being thrown because Mann refused to provide data. I literally posted his raw data to you already. You can go grab it right now. However, the judge did say Mann provided an overwhelming amount of data. “Before concluding, I wish to note that the materials that have been filed onthis application are grossly excessive in relation to the matters in issue.” Sort of the exact opposite fo what you’re saying.

Again. This info is out there for you to read if you wish… or you can read a “summary” of it by hit pieces and be completely led astray. Your choice.

The methods are listed directly in his link under the ‘METHODS’ directory. :roll_eyes:

“Purposely complex to hide the truth…”. lol. So because you can’t comprehend, it’s all wrong.

Which areas of his hockey stick graph is real temp data, which is tree rings, which are ice cores?

The Bible says that the way to know a false prophet is for their prophosies to not come true.

The scientists have been making predictions that didn’t come true for many decades now.

Why should we believe them at this point? :thinking:

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Yes it was thrown out for delays…by Mann.
And the data was only 1/2 of what was asked for. The other half was the algorithms and code used to arrive at his hockey stick conclusion. You know. The mathematics that were used to compute the data. The data is worthless without the computations behind it.

Dude. Take a step back. Every single thought in science is subject to falsification and thus open to debate. So when I said the science was “in”, you have to understand it within this context. The science is “in” on a lot of topics yet all are subject to further debate, especially if evidence some to light questioning the prevailing theory.

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