50 years of fake news on the Climate apocalypse

Here is the thing.

The issue of climate change should never have been divided among a “left/right” division in what is happening… because what is happening is pretty clear.

The “left/right” division is in how the issue should be addressed.

But you see… the people who would make the most money from the digging up and burning of carbon didn’t like their chances… so they created a campaign around making reality a “left/right” issue.

And this is where we are.

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and no one says that’s the weather stations the NOAA was using for their cartoon planet…

Hey dude, nothing of what you wrote is in contention. In fact, the articles I previously posted, cited exactly this.

Yes, we’re not the top polluter… now. China only overtook us recently. For decades upon decades prior, we beat them handily as top emitters. Thats why most of the carbon in the atmosphere now is due to us and the EU… in 30 - 40 years, we can fairly say China owns the largest share. But you’re making the argument that since China isn’t doing anything, we shouldnt either. That’s like listening to my 7 year old tell me he’s not going to pick up his legos because my 9 year old isn’t doing the same.

And as a reminder… a big climate strike is happening today


Here’s how research works.

  1. On each graph, they list the data source that is depicted in the graph. Make a note of the data source.

  2. Now, take the acronym of the data source and google it with “temperature data”.

  3. Your search will return a list of results and if you’re using Google or any major SE, then yous hold results in the first page that explain how the dataset is collected, the applicable timeframe, any adjustments made, etc.

So, yes, they do say where the data comes from. for example, the GHCNM dataset does, in fact, use those surface stations posted on the map provided. They are only one source… now you know how to do it yourself.

It’s sad they tell lies to our children and make them fear the future…

We’ve had climate apocalypse religion taught for 50 years in the public schools and it’s always wrong…

See the article I posted at the beginning…

Then why can’t you tell me where NOAA gets that data set for that map you put up…

The Children are the ones who are going to have to deal with this after we are dead.

The article you posted is from a Koch funded think tank.

It’s objective is to convince just enough people that nothing should be done.

Congrats… they are still winning.

I’m not making the argument we shouldn’t do anything. I am making the argument that the first thing that should be done is to try to get Asia to curb emissions (Paris Accord didn’t accomplish ths) as it can’t be done with the west alone. China opening up 300 new coal plants in poorer countries around Asia isn’t a detail, and India is just getting started in the emissions extravaganza.

Like I said look at the coal plants the data tell me where the urgent attention needs to be placed?

I’m not going to be dead in 12 years… at least from old age.

You must have missed how many climate predictions have been wrong these last 50 years…

and warm periods are a time of plenty on earth with less disease. Nothing to fear.

Then read the rest of the posts to see how her article was dismantled… lol

Bear in mind, a recent poll indicated that among Americans, 13% deny climate is changing as a result of human activity.

Similarly, about 16% of people indicated they aren’t sure if the earth is flat or round.

Think about that…

Remember when President Obama met with Indian Prime Minister Modi to work with him to build out an infrastructure that was more reliant on renewables that included foreign aid for India to meet those goals?

Now that Trump has abandoned any sort of pretense around supporting cancer causing windmills… why would Modi continue down this path?

Ah, my apologies then for misunderstanding.

I guess I’d say that the first thing that should be done is what we can do. Sure, we can make attempts to influence China and push them in the right direction, but we’re not. Pulling out of the Paris Agreement that they’re still signed to isn’t a good look if that’s what we’re trying to do. I fully agree that more pressure should be exerted on China to curb their emissions, but we can’t force them to do anything. However, we can change things we’re doing in our own country.

Don’t pay attention to the AOC hyperbole.

By century’s end… which you and I will probably be dead before then… the world is projected to lose a good percentage of GDP because of this.

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She just underscored the real problem with that camp when she said “Im not going to be dead in 12 years…”. Me, me, me…

The lack of foresight is astounding.

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Thanks for letting me know.

I hope, for their sake, there are no cliffs nearby. We may lose them all.

Or they could do what the generations before them have done… ignore it and hope it either goes away or they die before having to deal with it.

The impending doom is palpable.

As said before… we will most likely be dead before the full effects are felt.
