50 years of fake news on the Climate apocalypse

The methods are listed directly in his link under the ‘METHODS’ directory. :roll_eyes:

“Purposely complex to hide the truth…”. lol. So because you can’t comprehend, it’s all wrong.

Which areas of his hockey stick graph is real temp data, which is tree rings, which are ice cores?

The Bible says that the way to know a false prophet is for their prophosies to not come true.

The scientists have been making predictions that didn’t come true for many decades now.

Why should we believe them at this point? :thinking:

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Yes it was thrown out for delays…by Mann.
And the data was only 1/2 of what was asked for. The other half was the algorithms and code used to arrive at his hockey stick conclusion. You know. The mathematics that were used to compute the data. The data is worthless without the computations behind it.

Dude. Take a step back. Every single thought in science is subject to falsification and thus open to debate. So when I said the science was “in”, you have to understand it within this context. The science is “in” on a lot of topics yet all are subject to further debate, especially if evidence some to light questioning the prevailing theory.

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I’m surprised you have never heard of politicians using hyperbole. Let me clue you in, they use hyperbole.

Highlight or snip the portion of the court brief where the judge asked for data by Mann that was not issued. And I’d specifically like the to see the part where he asks for his algorithms and code.

You won’t find it because it’s not there. I’ve already linked Mann’s data to you, including his algorithms and a descriptions of his methods. YOU CAN PULL IT RIGHT NOW. The judge literally said in the brief that he was not attempting to make a judgement on the scienc eof climate change.

Mann v. Ball Page 2
[3] The plaintiff, Dr. Mann, and the defendant, Dr. Ball, have dramatically different opinions on climate change. I do not intend to address those differences. Itis sufficient that one believes climate change is man-made and the other does not."

With that said, why would the judge even request the data? But by all means, show where it was requested.

And last time, you can go it already… I linked it to you. It’s been posted on the web for 20 years.

I know what you mean with that sentence, but you give quarter to those who want to charge you wilt being a denier, or whatever pejorative they want to fling.

Manmade global warming is the hoax. In contrast, the current trend of warmer temps is thoroughly measurable.

That humankind can change natural warming (or cooling) is the leftist exercise of tilting at windmills.

Denier = Blasphemer

More proof that the globals warmers are a cult…

" Absolute theological bankruptcy’: Union Theological Seminary students confess climate sins to plants"

50 years of climate apocalypse that never came true. And we still get the same stories these days in the press. I just figure the press went into writing because they can’t do math.

And what is causing today’s warming trend?

Are you saying Arrhenius was wrong about CO2?

All the planets are warming up.

Probably the same thing that made it warm up the last 8 times in history. CO2 follows warming. The Oceans can’t hold as much when they warm up. Just like your coke…

Mars is 95% CO2 and so chilly…

They are? I haven’t seen that.

That doesn’t sound very scientific. Try again.

They went over that in my 6th grade class

" What causes ice-ages?

Fluctuations in the amount of insolation (incoming solar radiation) are the most likely cause of large-scale changes in Earth’s climate during the Quaternary. In other words, variations in the intensity and timing of heat from the sun are the most likely cause of the glacial/interglacial cycles. This solar variable was neatly described by the Serbian scientist, Milutin Milankovitch, in 1938. There are three major components of the Earth’s orbit about the sun that contribute to changes in our climate. First, the Earth’s spin on its axis is wobbly, much like a spinning top that starts to wobble after it slows down. This wobble amounts to a variation of up to 23.5 degrees to either side of the axis. The amount of tilt in the Earth’s rotation affects the amount of sunlight striking the different parts of the globe. The greater the tilt, the stronger the difference in seasons (i.e., more tilt equals sharper differences between summer and winter temperatures). The range of motion in the tilt (from left-of-center to right-of-center and back again) takes place over a period of 41,000 years. As a result of a wobble in the Earth’s spin, the position of the Earth on its elliptical path changes, relative to the time of year. This phenomenon is called the precession of equinoxes. The cycle of equinox precession takes 23,000 years to complete. In the growth of continental ice sheets, summer temperatures are probably more important than winter."


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So because it happened in the past that’s supposed to mean that man can never cause it ever?

Of course not!

The real question is: Why would you think it’s caused by man this time, when it wasn’t caused by man the last few times.?..