5% Quarter Growth Released - MAGA!

I’ve already provided it, if you can show something to the contrary do so.

Classic Wildrose. Make a claim, be wrong, and then claim victory.

Show it to be wrong if you can.

Last articles On the subject.

Now if you can show me to be wrong “put up or shut up”.

Where does any of this information go before the Depression? Let alone to the beginning of the US? Which is your claim. Just dial back your claim to the Great Depression and say it was hyperbole on your part. Then you have an argument. But you have to back up your claim. Thats how it works. Im giving you a way out. But it requires you admtting you exagerated something. Which you hate.

And if you can show anything I have said to be false do so.

You claim I’m wrong, put up or shut up.

Millard Fillmore’s gdp growth after the economic crises/recessions of the 1840s were slower than Obama’s. There’s my evidence. I claim it. It’s evidence. Unless you prove me wrong.

not true.

trump has never had a year of 3 percent growth

Longest sustained job growth in history. One of the worst financial crisis in history. Quit being such a zealot

Cons love bubbles

Any minute now!

I’ll take a slightly slower, stable economy over boom and bust. We’re in one of if not the longest expansion in history. Thanks Obama.


And the even lesser known “seaworthiness of the ark” debate (Wildrose was proven wrong by his own sources and fled the thread).


Nothing wrong with a little Butters on a Friday morning. Thank you…it made me laugh…

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We are going to need more than 2 years to be brainwashed into thinking Obama had a clue WRT the economy.

Sounds like Trump.

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Is WildRose Trump? Have we ever seen them together? Hmmmm…


if quarters grow 5%, will vending machines still work?

Not your hick ones that still take quarters(I kid).

I mean literally just joking. Pretty soon they won’t take cash at all. But haven’t seen those yet. Couple more years?