4q21 gdp is up 6.9%

It’s one of my pet peeves, I don’t care who is president. There’s so many factors (the overwhelming majority of which are out of a presidents control) that factor into how the economy is doing.

If it were that simple we could take this economic miracle worker president and let other nations put him/her in charge and solve all the world’s economic problems.

Like last time Democrats controlled the government, there’s no work here in the area. It usually takes a year, so here we are. My company has now no work, & no prospects.

I figured it was coming, & have been selling off my properties. Soon as they are sold, I’m heading south. At least I knew what to expect this time…

Oh, & like last time prices are up, but hey, inflation don’t matter, look over here at the shiney gdp!

The left is nuts economically, they love to destroy small businesses, & make oligarch’s richer & more powerful. It’s how they line their pockets, all they while telling the poor they are keeping poor how they care for them, oh, & “the children”, well, except for the unborn…

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So if the country goes into recession, who is to blame.

The leader of the country…nah

Worked well for bush sr, Hoover etc.


I guess you didn’t see my response to Adam?

"It’s one of my pet peeves, I don’t care who is president. There’s so many factors (the overwhelming majority of which are out of a presidents control) that factor into how the economy is doing.

If it were that simple we could take this economic miracle worker president and let other nations put him/her in charge and solve all the world’s economic problems."

Presidents do however make promises.

“A chicken in every pot”, “read my lips, no new taxes”

They are accountable for those.


I’m going to shut down the virus


No quite as iconic as the other two.


Jersey just announced no more masks at school.


which will have a net effect of… nothing

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No more masks at school.

That is something.

We will have to disagree.


neither wearing nor not wearing masks in school has any effect on covid spread. there should have never been a mandate in the first place


That is only your opinion, hence the disagreement.

Masks did help.


they did nothing, the science shows this, but your politicians claim otherwise and you lap it up. good minion.


Hence the disagreement between us.

They did something.


the disagreement is between you ans science. why do you hate science?


I don’t.

“Results: When the adherence to mask usage guidelines is taken into account, the empirical evidence indicates that masks prevent disease transmission”

I hate to get the government involved in our dispute. Lol


I am sure you can find an equally compelling study to verify your stance.

Hence our conundrum.

Conflicting studies.


lol… a study that claims to debunk “pre pandemic” mask studies. too funny. we have current mask studies done during the pandemic. they don’t work.

eta… that study only tests surgical masks, which do have a slight affect. you have an 11% lower chance of getting covid if everyone wears a surgical mask, wears it properly, and changes it every time they take it off.

the cloth masks we sent our kids to school with were and remain useless.

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Perhaps you would like to contribute to this thread:

Yeah, ok…then let’s blame the economy on the democrats in general right now. They control it all, & it’s a spendthrift bunch indeed!

Print money, borrow to the hilt, & spend it on the wind!

Then we get MASSIVE national debt on an industrial scale, & high inflation. In fact, 20% inflation on the main goods & services the poor need & use most: Food, gas, & other essentials.

But hey, they are “for the children” & “for the workers”…


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