40 people killed at Mosque shooting in New Zealand

You’re just going to LOL anyone and everyone who disagrees with your LOL-worthy experts, so why bother?

What matters is where and when the rubber hits the road and that will be when someone is eventually seen to be correct.

That hasn’t happened yet, so don’t bother to LOL one expert over another.


It hasn’t been enacted yet but it will definitely bring jobs back to the US because of different content requirements.

There is no doubt of that. All that we don’t yet know is how big that will be. The deal is definitely better for us than NAFTA was.


See post above.


You didn’t provide specifics.

Specifics please… especially how “contracts” will provide jobs.

SPECIFICALLY there is going to be a greater use of American labor due to a requirement for a minimum wage on 45% of an automobile’s content.

That means Mexico loses its edge on cheap labor for those parts.

And that means that the incentive to off-shore the production of those parts is diminished. American manufacturing of those parts will incrrease.

In addition, there will be a higher North American content on car parts and that makes it less possible for either Mexico or Canada to get parts from Asia, undercutting North American manufacturers.

The end result is that American manufacturers will have more incentive to stay here and manufacture - one of the chief goals of the renegotiation in the first place.

The USMCA is certainly better than NAFTA for us. It is just a matter of degree that people are arguing over.


The horrible deals novody wanted to really alter…and we know whats in the deals…theyve been leaked…nothing has changed…sure nothing is final but we have seen isnt really any different from what we had.

You are the one that asserted that three individuals you mentioned were part of some dream team of economists. I thought it was funny because they clearly are not.

You tell everyone who is critical of this new deal they are wrong and to wait and see yet refuse to take your own advice.

Errr some of the biggest names in the Dem party have been after changing NAFTA for years.

Charles Schumer, the Senate Democratic leader: “As someone who voted against NAFTA and opposed it for many years, I knew it needed fixing. The president deserves praise for taking large steps to improve it.”

Why wasn’t that quote on your favorite TV channel, I wonder?


I will wait until it is ennacted to say how right or wrong the various experts are.

You, it seems, just want to call on the experts you want to believe to poo-poo it before it even has a chance to prove itself.

Don’t waste my time with your experts.


Sanders hammered Hillary in the primaries over NAFTA taking U.S. jobs, although he didn’t win he managed to win around 22 or so states. So there is at least a good portion on the left that isn’t to happy about trade rules.

Lambs being led to the slaughter would be more accurate.

We haven’t had 200 years of multiculturalism. That started in the 90’s.

Prior to that we had the “melting pot” where people came here to be Americans, not Hyphenated Americans clinging to the same country/culture they left.

Multiculturalism is the opposite of the Melting Pot theory, it is Balkanization.

I’ll make it easy for everyone, it never happened.

I’m sure he’ll miss your vote.

Shhh, don’t tell your wife and son. HA! :grin:

My favorite tv channel ? I dont really have time for cable thee days…

You literally proved nothing…deflection and nothing more…let me know when you have a response to what i actually said

Ye sanders and trump were kinda on the same page when it comes to populism…sadly your post doesnt change anything

Why don’t you make it clear. If it’s so obvious to you this should not be a problem.

So before the 90’s there was no Chinese American, Irish Americans, etc? there were no cultural section of NY or major cities…

I think what you want to say is there was European multiculturalism.

There was never “x” cultural parades before the 90’s in America.