40 people killed at Mosque shooting in New Zealand

Right, first 7 or 8 minutes of that video he was driving to the site, then next 7 or 8 minutes he was there on his killing spree, then he got in his car and started driving to other site shooting from his car. At some point they cut off the video feed.

For 7 or 8 minutes only 1 rushed towards him or was trying to escape. There was no exit other then door he came in. Some tried to go around him from one room to other but was shot. But mostly they hid in the corner when gunman came into prayer room.

I stand by my comment that no one was able to shoot back or single entry/exit point.

Unless libs want to prove me wrong they can. But poster you were responding too is full of crap and didn’t read a single thing I said.

How is that different than you singing the praises of something that hasn’t started yet.

The guys who negotiated the deal are hardly objective evaluators. Their word requires more than just their word.

Why? Muslims were shot.

I think there might have been shooting at the other mosque that wasn’t on the video. I might be wrong but I think the first video is of the first mosque and cuts off as he is driving to the other.

I had read on another forum from people in NZ that the mosques were around a 20-30 minute drive from each other? I could be wrong, I was reading about this as it was happening.

Yeah, that’s what I remember. There was about 17 minutes total. First part driving to scene, then shooting and then final 2 minutes or so driving to other scene shooting out the windows then fed ended.

Oh, were you not talking about people here? Sorry, I thought you were. You go to a lot of “pro gun sites” do you?

I don’t tweeter.

No, my post makes it pretty clear I don’t go to a lot of pro gun sites.

And yes, the world is a little bigger than this forum with many other pro gun folks.

And yeah, tweeter isn’t for everybody.

But you said “many”. How many and where?

My mistake. Turns out you are the only person that thinks the people in the mosque would have been better off if they were armed.

I went back to the tweeter and realize that i misread Dana and her followers, they were arguing against any of the worshipper’s being armed.

You should think about joining them.

What do you think? Have you seen the video?

I’m just picturing the totally rational response to conservatives finding out that a mosque is full of dudes sporting rifles.

You do realize that the :roll_eyes: indicates sarcasm, don’t you?

Not my thing. I prefer beheading videos in slow motion.

Murica! :us:

So you have no idea. Imagine that.

Such a yawn…

Glad we could agree.


Mind numbing.

Yeah and then isis called for new recruits.

You just know that the radical iman hussein obama loves that.

Neither trade deal has been finalized. We are still operating under previous trade deals - You know, the horrible trade deals of all the previous administrations.