40 people killed at Mosque shooting in New Zealand

So which is it? Refute or ignore it?

Answer the question…dont be scared


Refute or ignore what?


That is false.

Unless and until you can prove that anyone with any similar thoughts is going to commit mass murder, then YES, all he represents are mass murderers.


Because they didn’t fight for their independence from the crown.

Follow along…

I figured you wouldn’t answer the other question… you cant without making yourself sympathetic to his ideas.

Dude, he has the same views as thousands if not millions of people.

I am not commenting on his ideas and I am certainly not going to try to tar other people with his ideas. That’s exacly what he wants and you’re helping him.

Show me a comment that someone else said and I’ll be happy to comment.


Those people actually haven’t committed mass murder so it’s not possible to say they and he think alike.

He represents mass murderers.


I am anti-mass migration, and want better border security. Ten years ago both sides would say this openly quiet regularly even Obama has said these things, it has never been a pejorative position.

Now obviously what this nutter did was different he was a murdering racist, you can be for less migration and not the be the killer from New Zealand.

I wouldn’t say that is a bad thing the type of propaganda i’m talking about is the though that migrant are invading America/Canada/etc and trying to destroy western civilization.

I don’t think you openly hate migrant for existing.

What do you propose we do about it?

we should stop giving treating those idea as normal and combat it with speech till they become viewed the same as people who think the earth is flat.

stop giving them a platform on TV, etc.

I am also anti mass illegal immigrantion and a freaking immigrant myself. The difference here is that people like me try to offer solutions and awareness of what’s going on instead of hateful racist rhetoric which riles up idiots like the terrorist in NZ.

Ok, how? Are you going to go where they are and speech combat them? I’m not giving them tv time, I don’t even know who they are.

What do you want me to do?

stop defending people who use terms like “Invasion, invaders, etc” call them out don’t support them.

anti migrant racist rhetoric is the reason for the Temple shooting last year, he though the Jews were funding a invasion of migrants though the southern border.

It is an invasion. 22 million is an invasion. 76,000 is an invasion. Crashing into the fence is an invasion.

It’s not an armed invasion, but it us one.

You know what’s not an invasion? Following the visa process through the embassies we spend millions maintaining in their countries.

They are trying and succeeding in forcing their way into another country illegally.

Invasion implies they are here to destroy America.