40 people killed at Mosque shooting in New Zealand

I’m speaking to those who are picking out their favorite manifesto moment and then attacking a side or taking a side, based on it.

They are taking sides because a mass murderer is speaking to them and they are listening, and agreeing or disagreeing with him, as if he deserves consideration for his thoughts.

If you’re not then I’m not speaking to you.


One father lost all five of his kids in this massacre.

If anyone is celebrating this evil, avoid them.

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Cant imagine what that must be like

so we should just ignore the growing anti-migrant propaganda?

He thought the chinese had it right because of how they are treating the muslims.

Answer the question mark

The terrorist called migrants invaders, an invasion 67 times in his manifesto. You damn right i’m going to read it. I want to know how white supremacists spew their hatred and bigotry in writing.

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You should ignore the propaganda of a mass murderer and not quote it, as if it is wisdom or telling of anything.


Doesnt make cjs opinion less vaild

Its not just the mass murderer pushing it.

its being pushed by people like Richard Spencer to college student every week.

Apparently the shooter was from the Pagan religion. People are trying to pin him as a far-right Conservative, and he’s not. Like all the other shooters, he’s got something wrong with him, mentally, and is extreme in his views. Regardless, no one should be shooting up people. Like Dylan Roof, he’s an extremist, a terrorist, and a POS.

Not everyone a part of a group is bad. Not all Conservatives, not all Liberals. Not all Christians, not all Muslims.Not all black people, not all cops. And I wish people would stop trying to pin this guy as a Conservative, because he really is not. Conservatives understand that people have the right to life, that no one can take that right away except for the guy in the sky, and their own personal liberty. Most wouldn’t go around shooting people.

There was also a story online about a Muslim shooting up a Catholic church in revenge; I don’t know if I can find it but I’ll scrounge around and see.

What I’ve seen so far is that Muslims are facing threats inside their own religion (Sunni/Shia conflict) and threats outside their religion. I’ve learned that it’s wrong to blame an entire group on the actions of a few. No ideology is necessary toxic in moderation, but when it gets to be extreme, with no room for other opinions, it becomes toxic.

There is nothing positive about anti-migrant white genocide propaganda its pure cancer.

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The day after this attack there was a speaking event at the university of Vancouver by two people pushing White Genocide propaganda under the guise of “Free Speech”

And the same thing can be said about Black Lives Matter and the Black Panthers. Every group has its extremists. The problem with a group manifests when those extreme views become mainstream. Now they represent the ideology of the group.


You should answer speech you don’t like with other speech that refutes it.

But what you should NOT do is take the speech of a mass murderer seriously, as if he represents thousand or millions. He has proven that all he represents are mass murderers.

Don’t give him the power to shape public discourse. Put him in a hole. Put a lid on it and let him die, but DO NOT formulate opinions of others based on his thoughts. He represents a VERY finite group.


I’m betting they didn’t get a lot of support. But, they did out themselves, publicly, so we know who they are.

The answer to speech you don’t like is more speech that refutes it.


Iv never called for censorship, I was saying they are masking their anti-migrant hatred under “Free speech” or “Protecting Civil war statues” so we accept it as normal.

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It is “free speech”. Free speech means protecting the WORST speech; the most vile speech - not the speech that doesn’t bother anyone.

The asnwer to speech you don’t like is more speech to refute it - ALWAYS.


Agreed, again i’m not calling for censorship of any speak.

i’m saying they are using saying anyone who disagree with them or protesting them are attacking their right to “Free Speech” trying to censors them when what they are saying has nothing to do with free speech it has to do with hating migrants.

look at the protest few years ago they claimed it was about protecting southern history, when it wasn’t not a single speaker was there to preach about protecting southern history they were there to preach white nationalism and anti-migrant propaganda.

but if you protest them they say you hate Southern culture and history.

If you don’t like someone’s speech refute it.

But DO NOT tell me that since a mass murderer said something I should pay attention to what he said.

Sorry, no. I will not give him exactly what he wanted. You do that, if you’e so inclined.


That’s where you’re wrong.

They are allowed to hate anyone they want and they are allowed to speak of it. That is free speech. And you are free to refute them - again,. free speech.

They are not allowed to act on their hate in an unlawful manner - like mass murder.