4 Days Until trump Resumes Office as POTUS, and He's Going to Control Our Nuclear Arsenal

I know this is of particular concern to most libs, for reasons they’ve never quantified beyond “Orange Man Bad!!! Grrrrrrrrr!!!”

America’s enemies should always fear our defensive and offensive weapons.

Good thing the moral quandary of whether or not to use atomic weapons was settled long ago under Truman.

Does it scare you?? Why?? Or why not??

Doesn’t scare me. Why should it.

In his last term he struck me as a Greg Stillson (Read The Dead Zone) type of person but not so much now. What gosh my opinion has changed.

Doesn’t scare me. Presumably trump will engage in the same sober contemplation, reflection, and consultation with military and scientific experts that Truman did before he would make such a weighty decision and start pressing buttons.

That’s what I expect from any POTUS

Am a Stephen King fan.

But I actually liked the end of the movie better than the ending of the book.


Agree, the ending of the book was great. It was the first Stephen King book i ever read.

I think my Favorite was Salems Lot.

Although The Shining and It were also great.

That scared the crap out of 17 year old Nemesis. :grinning:.

I know. I remember reading it laying on my bed when I was in 9th grade and kept peeking through the curtains and window to see if Danny ( think that was his name)was there.

Currently about halfway through the next to last book in the Dark Tower Series.

Please no spoilers.

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Window scene gave me nightmares :grinning:.

As a fellow King and Dark Tower fan, you might appreciate my Dark Tower paperback collection

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Got the same set.

What did you think of the series as a whole?

Do you like Tom Clancy?

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If the decision is ever made to use them it won’t be my problem anymore after 30 minutes.

Aw crap we have something in common!!! :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

Overall Dark Tower was good, sort of meandered a bit in the middle and dare I say it a tad self indulgent. At points it felt like a bit of a slog to get through but overall an excellent series.

Loved all of Tom Clancys books. Devoured everything he wrote in the 90s and early 2000. IMHO He created the techno thriller and is still the godfather of the genre.

See it ain’t all about politics. :grin::+1:t2:

And yet another thing in common. I also think that it is a bit wordy. In fact probably could have done without couple in the middle. A lot of backstory.

I agree. I have made it through Executive Orders. Fantastic ending.

I switch off between King and Clancy for entertainment reading.

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Biden having control of the nuclear football scares me a hell of a lot more!

At least a person with a functioning brain will be in charge now.

The Sum of all Fears is in the top ten best books I’ve ever read.


I was reading everything by both until a few years ago. stephen king pissed me off, and the Clancy (Jack Ryan) universe, while still entertaining and intriguing, was getting more than a little repetitive, with hurried endings that wrapped things up in quick and convenient ways after a very detailed lead-up.

I’ll probably catch up again at some point.

king is an amazing storyteller. A few of my favorites are Needful Things, The Dark Half and Joyland.

What was the one King wrote with Peter Straub?

I want to say Ghost Story?

I haven’t read Joyland but the other 2 were pretty good.

Straub wrote Ghost Story alone. You are thinking of The Talisman and its sequel Black House.

The Talisman has a cool cross over with the Shining. Speedy Parker is Dick Halloran. But King does that a lot in his books.

Prince Thomas from Eyes of the Dragon appears in The Dark Tower as does Flagg from the Stand

That’s the one. Got the kid and the train right?

Indeed, there is also a train in Dark Tower not sure if its connected.