3D printed weapons

Please show me proof of this.

They can’t. Because they are “ghost gunzzz!!!”

Funded neo-Nazi’s and statutory rapist? Just the kinda guy that the Republicans love to pal around with!

No they aren’t. It is irrelevant.

:rofl::rofl: thanks for the laughs.

i bet judges are gonna end up friggin hating 3D printed guns.


It’s not like their identity is a secret. A psycho could already wait for a judge outside the courthouse.

I bet you are going to be disappointed when it turns out that nobody ever uses a 3D printed gun to commit a crime because they are bulky, ergonomicly ridiculous, inaccurate, and only good for one shot.

This irrational fear you liberals have of these silly plastic novelties is right up there with your fear of adjustable stocks, barrel shrouds and flash suppressors. :smile:

No they aren’t. Virtually any gun can be traced.

There is no background check for guns you produce yourself, never has been. We have a right to make our own.

Other than illegally paying a prostitute how exactly was he supposed to know he was doing anything else illegal?

No, read it again. He wasn’t funding them.

Based on what exactly? We’ve had zip guns for over a hundred years.

A whole ton of guns have yet to be invented. The conversation is going to get more intense over the next 50 to 100 years.

The same has been true since the Chinese invested the first hand cannon.

Advancements in weapons tech has been constantly reshaping the globe since man first figured out he could throw a rock instead of just bash his neighbor over the head with one. He created “stand off distance”.

What is the basis of that prediction? The most common guns in use today are based on designs over 100 years old, some closer to 150 years old.

And why would firearms manufacturers want people to be able to have personal arms factories? Wouldn’t that dent their sales?

And how do you plan to stop it?

You can’t even stop pirated MP3’s and software…what makes you think you can stop someone from digitally distributing plans for making your own guns and creating your own personal arms factory from a 3d printer?

Face it. Gun control is now obsolete.


No, seriously go check it out. You might be surprised by what is possible these days.

That’s a related but different thing than what’s being discussed here.

The guns these 3d printers are talking about are the all plastic kinds. Arguably undetectable on a metal detector. Even the barrels are plastic. Which is why I’d never fire one.

Those CNC mill guns are just for making your own more standard guns that have metal parts. That’s always been legal as long as you are not producing them to sell. It’s the same reason all the “80%” guns can be sold and you just finish the production at home.

Similar topics in many ways but different in many other aspects.