$35 cap on insulin prices will go into effect for millions of Medicare recipients


The insulin cap that goes into effect next month benefits Medicare Part D recipients, who also no longer have to meet a deductible on their insulin. A $35 cap on insulin pumps for Medicare Part B recipients goes into effect July 1, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Another benefit of the IRA. Thanks, Democrats. Thanks, Biden.

Sucks that we couldn’t get this for everyone.

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Yea let’s freeze a rule already in place from previous President then do it yourself and claim credit for it. Pathetic


Biden doesn’t sign on the line, this doesn’t happen. It’s his credit to take.

Wrong it already happened. He is the one who used an EO to stop it. He gets credit for screwing it up and then realizing it and fixing it. I bet you on the other hand had no Idea he used his power to stop it first because Trump. What do you say to all those people who had to pay higher for 2 years because Biden wanted credit instead of Trump?


Biden’s law, legislated in permanent ink, helps a vast swath of the the American public.

Trump’s flaccid executive order doesn’t measure up.

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Biden saw that millions of Americans need insulin to live and went to the mat for all of them using the legislative process. I’d also tell them to stop voting for Republicans if they haven’t already.

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Whatever makes you feel better about your side taking cheap prices away for 2 years because Trump.


He really went to the mat for them when he took it away. It took congress to give it back.


Hey…don’t worry…I got it. Orange man baaa, baaa, baaad. There…it’s done. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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And who’s paying the difference? Why, you and I, of course! :wink:

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Serves us right for eating responsibly and exercising.


Somehow I owe it to these lazy ass wagons for my good choices in life. These greasy land whales are somehow entitled to my help because they made poor decisions in life.


Hard to feel bad about my side when Democrats tee up a chance for everyone to have low prices, through congress.

Impossible to feel bad about my side when 43 members of the red team whiff it.

I wonder what their reasons were. Because Biden?

Congress Democrats created something better. No reason to give back Trump’s thing. It’s obsolete now.

You didn’t know.


It was a big story in the summer when Republicans torpedoed the cap.

Trump’s executive order was the number one excuse for destroying a far better bill.

But you didn’t know.


Lol you have no idea there was one or what it was. Go do some research.

If he wanted to make it better he could have left it in place until they had something better. But no you and they hated Trump so much you are cheering people having to pay higher costs for two years. Sounds like children acting up.


Petulant children.


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Regardless of the politics I am just glad this is going into place. The cost of insulin to purchase vs cost to make is outrageous.

Even $35 is a bit high but at least its much more affordable.