$35 cap on insulin prices will go into effect for millions of Medicare recipients

It’s also arbitrary as far as I can tell.

Government interference/involvement is what created the problem that is being “solved” by government interference/involvement.

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How so?

This is the MSM bull ■■■■ story. J’Biden blocked (again) another Trump attempt to deliver the exact benefit then takes credit for it guised as “ the legislative process”?
Cute and the illiterati lap up the swill of “Orange man baaaaad”


Thank goodness! With inflation they were having to cut back on their Cheetos :cry:


Not so. Biden’s is much bigger.

Doing it all at once is the smartest play. Republicans wouldn’t have voted for the improved version.

All we would have is an executive order rather than a law that covers more people.

Now they can keep buying garbage to stuff in their faces and the government will just supplement the consequences.

And some of these behemoth cultists wanted us pure bloods to go without medical care because we chose not to take experimental therapeutics to prevent getting a cold. :wink:


Yes sir. Don’t like price fixing, but this should only be allowed for Type 1 diabetics because they can’t help it. The land whales who refuse to make a lifestyle change don’t get my sympathy. I actually think the government is supplementing their consequences because it gets a better ROI than telling the obese to drop the carbs.

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Type II diabetes is easily one of the most preventable diseases in this country, so naturally the penguin bodies with no self-control need to be the primary beneficiaries of this.


I blame southern tea.




Don’t encourage him.


Fat shaming is and always was the right thing to do. Be a true friend, let them know they’re disgustingly obese and that they don’t have to be. :wink:

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The cold, hard truth worked for me.

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We definitely as a nation need to promote healthier eating. Weird how Michelle Obama was criticized for trying to make schools provide healthier food.

A few years ago Jamie Oliver spearheaded a health eating campaign for schools and idiotic parents were up in arms. There were pictures of parents passing big macs to their kids though I suspect those were staged.

Everything leads back to education.


Let’s be real about that, she was pushing low-fat, high pesticide trash on developing bodies. It was no better, and way worse tasting than the high-carb trash they were already serving.


Was she? I dont recall those details but no reason to doubt you. From what I can recall on this forum a lot of the criticism was not the content but just the fact she had the gall to promote healthy eating.