30 Uttar Pradesh Districts Are Now Covid-Free

There does seem to be a big out break of squirmy tantrums. :grinning:


Silly, but also entirely predictable and on-brand, at this point.


Confused libs may very well believe that they want everyone vaccinated, but the 'rats they voted for aren’t done milking them yet. :man_shrugging:

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It is wild how Joe Rogan has poisoned the conversation so so much.

Lemme know how that test turns out so I can get your Kung Flu badge ready.

Sorry to hear if the vaccine failed miserably. I know some great therapeutics though, peer-reviewed and all. :wink:

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It’s the DU Variant. :wink:


I’ve had both vaccinations and i still want some hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectine around myself just in case i do get it.

I think early treatment is much smarter than being sent home to see what happens if one does get it.

I have a niece who got the covid a couple of weeks ago. She started taking hydroxychloroquine after a day or so. Her voice returned within hours and all her congestion was gone in a couple of days.

She tested covid free yesterday.

The libs want us to toe the lib narrative no questions asked. For political reasons mostly.


Years ago, I remember reading an article by this psychiatrist who spent a lot of time dealing with people who had hallucinations and various neurological disorders. One day, in a small group, she just decided to run with their delusions: What are you hearing? What’s happening now? Why is the giant mechanical owl coming to eat us? How are the aliens trying to communicate?

That’s what being on this site is like, a lot.


The studies on Ivermectin did not survive peer review. All of the data has been preprint.

I will say this - I sure hope it helped, because that would mean one more tool int eh tool box. Current research does not indicate it does, but perhaps they will study this area of the world and we will learn differently.

Your turn - did the vaccines help beat down the virus in India?


:+1: :rofl:

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What did they do then? “Placebo” was your word. That’s what a placebo is - a psychological tool.

I’m not arguing the validity of science. I’m discussing your blind faith in the science dogma and lack of critical thinking.

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That must be why India decided to use it on a massive scale the way they did.

Trust the libs instead, folks. They read books. :rofl:


Not research. Concensus.


You are arguing that decades old vaccine study protocols do not accurately describe a vaccines efficacy.

The preprint data looked good.

It was fraudulent though. It is based on two large studies that are frauds.

It didn’t survive peer review.

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Don’t forget they listen to TV man as well. :wink:


Loony Toony…


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Consensus based on research.

I think folks do need a Covid plan.

Here, if your oxygen level is above 90 they send you home. That really isn’t a plan.

I don’t think folks have any clue on how to deal with this if it hits them or a loved one.

Maybe, that would be a great thread topic rather than just get the vax.