291 in Florida issued concealed carry licenses who shouldnt have been

“On June 8, the Times reported that state investigators last year found Florida failed to review results from a national background check for concealed weapons permits, an oversight that led to 291 people getting a license to carry a concealed weapon in public who were supposed to be denied.”

why even have background checks at all when state employees in charge of Licensing dont even look at them.

Very bad.


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I agree that it’s not a good situation, but none of them were involved in crimes, so it wasn’t a disaster. Also, just shows how weak of a protection background checks are.

That was luck. pure and simple.

It was a disaster but no one got hurt.


Wasn’t likely that anybody would have gotten hurt. Most people who go through the trouble of applying for a concealed carry permit aren’t going to do crimes. People who actually get concealed carry permits commit fewer violent crimes per capita than do police officers.

Yes but these are people who we NOT allowed to have a permit if the employees had done their due dillgence. All 291 permits were revoked in 2016.


And once again we have a great example of the gov’t failing to do it’s duty and due diligence.

Hopefully this didn’t result in anyone being able to legally obtain a firearm and use it to harm another.

It wasnt to obtain a firearm but to get a florida concealed carry permit.

“Mailroom employees said they were overwhelmed by a clamor for licenses and did not understand the background check system.”

so no one explained to the mailroom employees what the deal was.

I will agree with you on this,

Huge state govt foul up in Florida.


Most of this sounded pretty credible right up until this gem.

Which puts the entire thing into question.

If you have a permit you don’t even have to go through background checks again for 7 years thus it enables you to buy legally without one.

The dealers I use keep all my information on file so if i buy one through an FFL dealer all I have to do is sign the 4473, pickup the gun, and walk out.

These 291 didnt have a permit. they applied for one and were disqualified from getting one due to the background checks. They were issued the permit because the employees did NOT check the background reports. The 291 permits were revoked once (3 years later) the background checks were looked at.


Just FYI, in FY 2016, about 268,000 new concealed carry permits were issued (*274,000 were applications were made). Only 291 were found to be issued to people that shouldn’t have had them. For PR, this is disastrous. In real life, not so much.

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BS you seem to be working overtime at “not getting it”.

If the permit is issued in a state that requires a BGC and you are issued the permit you do not have to have a background check performed when purchasing firearms through an FFL dealer.

As I said, my dealers simply keep all my info on file and all I have to do is sign the FFL when I pick one up as a result.

do you live

LOL. If one of those 291 shot your loved one I bet you would care.

isnt that like illegal criminals, most illegals are dont murder but the few that are murderers get all the publicity.


None of those 291 were involved in any crime. It was potentially bad, but nothing bad did happen. It meant that 1 in 1000 of the new permits that year weren’t vetted. Also, my guess is that those 291 were for things done in the past, and the applicants didn’t even think they were still relevant.

They didn’t though did they. I doubt Fla is interested in NJ opinion on things pertaining to guns.

ALL APPLICATIONS WERE NOT VETTED. 291 were revoked when properly vetted.

did you not read the article.

“On June 8, the Times reported that state investigators last year found Florida failed to review results from a national background check for concealed weapons permits, an oversight that led to 291 people getting a license to carry a concealed weapon in public who were supposed to be denied.”

They failed to review results from national background check ON EVERY APPLICATION.

291 were revoked once every application was screened,


Not reviewing applications for bad actors is bad for everyone.



A very small percentage and also not your business.

LOL. I have visited florida from time to time.

That 291 people who should NOT have a permit were issued one.


None of your business.