25% of Renters in NYC Haven't Paid Since March

Without a vaccinne (now I’m seeing news reports of next summer instead of this fall) – under your thinking everything needs to keep closed.

What’s Biden’s plan if no vaccine at election time? Will he advocate keeping the economy closed and trillions more in spending?

Here is the thing.

If this handled well… we wouldn’t be having riots and protests.

There is little to no leadership from the top and what we do see is pretty much the wrong choice made at every step.

The President tried to ■■■■■■■■ away a virus.

He is losing that fight.

Learn to live with it is a terrible national policy.

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But y’all’s predictions have been so on point since the start of this. Everyone else in the developed world, with a couple exceptions, got this ■■■■ under control with the measures you’ve been fighting tooth and nail against for months.

That inconvenient truth cannot be repeated enough

If Biden gets elected I am going to laugh heartily every time someone complains that he isn’t getting the virus under control fast enough and that the economy is suffering.

People really thought they were gonna gaslight their way out of an epidemic.

Seriously. Pretending that there isn’t established precedent with how to handle the virus IMO is borderline criminal

Apparently they won’t be using it to pay bills. Not to worry though, the liquor stores are open and doing bang up business!

Hey it worked for 3 years. Why should this be any different

There is virtually no one who disagrees that putting money in people’s pockets to keep the economy going kept a recession from turning into a depression.

and just like the “Inconvenient Truth” its ■■■■■■■■

Why did these measures work everywhere else then? Excluding countries like us that tried to bull ■■■■ their way out of it like Brazil.

It ain’t over. EU countries are going back into lock down. Its a virus, it cannot be stopped, only slowed. That was the purpose of the shut downs, to keep the hospital systems from being overwhelmed. It worked. Now as we open back up, there will be spikes. Its expected and planned for. Your hair being on fire doesn’t change a thing.

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Long past dried up for anyone that didn’t have a lobbyist. Ma and Pa businesses were allowed a months payroll and rent at most.

Everybody is eventually going to test positive.

Complete ■■■■■■■■■ At this point it’s any excuse to riot anyplace. Take Utah. SLC DA holds a press conference complete with officer body cam fotage, business cams. Show the black suspect running, dropping a gun, picking it up three times, three times pointing it at officers. Third time he was shot.
DA announced no charges would be filed, it was appropriate use of force. Next thing you know they are protesting at the DA’s office, and started smashing windows.

Take the Wendy’s drunk in the south. Disarms and officer and video clearly shows the suspect trying to use the tasor on the persuing office, they use deadly force against him and riots.

Then you have pop up one’s everywhere. People being hurt, business destroyed. Yea that’s GREAT for the economy.

You mean the mayors and governors who have essentially given cart blanc to the rioters?

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unless you happen to be a landlord in NYC apparently. Giving people free money (more than many made working) and telling them they don’t have to apy their bills at the same time… was stupid. I got no problem with getting people through this, relieving them of their personal responsibilities to do what they should have been doing it is another matter.

And by EU countries, you mean the Eastern European countries that refused to adopt the sensible measures that everyone else did in Europe. That’s a little deceptive don’t you think? Most of Europe is opening back up.

Do they have our constitution? Do they have our laws? That’s your end goal right? Kill our constitution and laws?

you mean like Germany?

how about Spain?