2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 2)

Arizona’s Kari Lake has 885,000 followers on social media.

The Swamp’s Karrin has 13,000 followers on social media.

Not the gun but definitely the smoke.

Social Media is not an election.


:smile: :rofl: Hilarious.

What an astute observation.

So the social media presence is not indicative of how the election will play out.

But have you seen the number of yard signs?

Now hard signs IS a very loose correlative indicator….:rofl:

I guess the powers that be really thought the small local election I was in (as was the super LIB I pointed out) was so important that they felt like they had to try and rig it.

I wish they had done a better job…

It is all about trust and the mail in ballot system has very little trust right now.

Why does it not have trust?

The fact that this is your take is a factor.

We can work together…


Keep pretending it is a tribal issue.

I am fine either way.

I am wondering why mail in ballots are untrustworthy.

They weren’t really an issue until recently.

How is it not? Only 1 side has a problem with mail-in ballots despite championing them for years. For years Republicans benefited from mail-ins and they had no problem with them. It wasn’t until the political tide changed and they began favoring Democrats did they have a problem

Mail in ballots have always been understood to be less secure.

Read the full report.

And yet Republicans were total fine with mail-in ballots. That is until 2020 when mail-ins began favoring Democrats instead of Republicans

You might want to clean that up a bit.

Sloppy…like a mail in ballot.

I knew you wouldn’t be able to answer

Let us also remember the chieftain of that tribe started complaining about rigged elections in the primary

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That same report said that Oregon’s Vote by mail system has avoided significant fraud and had safeguards to ensure ballot integrity.

Can’t take a single sentence out of a report written in 2005, pretend that nothing has changed since then and build an entire argument out of it for how elections are run 15 years later.

Why did you vote by mail then?