2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 2)

Awesome trailer!

Hits all the right rhetorical notes!


So simple it hurts.

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Yes it definitely hurts that someone would be stupid enough to believe that.

Unfortunately, being stupid never hurts the stupid… :sunglasses:

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There are so many folks that believe in the Con Man and Chet. I am always when I hear a Trump supporter say how he never lies. It is beyond incredible how these folks get sucked into his ■■■■■■■■■

Rather spectacular fail seeing what Brandon did to energy on day one.

You’re not even trying to make rational responses now…just repetitious sound bytes…:rofl:

I wonder how much Dinesh can charge for this earth-shattering information.



Far less than the American People are paying for the fraudulent president that is destroying our country.

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Am I now.

How did Biden present himself before the election?

Joe Biden has persuaded some leaders of fossil fuel-heavy building trade unions in Pennsylvania that his climate policies won’t harm them, a key development in a swing state expected to be decided by small margins.

“When Biden clarified his position on fracking, it was a pretty easy choice to endorse him for president,” said Jim Kunz, business manager of the International Union of Operating Engineers for Local 66, covering Pittsburgh. “After a personal conversation with the man, I feel confident our work will continue in the fossil fuel industry. He understands how important that is to western Pennsylvania.”

Biden has visited western Pennsylvania in recent weeks and made frequent statements assuring he won’t ban fracking and distanced himself from the liberal Green New Deal.

How do you think they like him now?

Check out the Federalist article written on June 22 “ J6 committee focuses on election fraud claims while ignoring tactics used to rig the 2020 election” by Margot Cleveland. In it cites several examples of how the election was rigged with systemic violations of voting state statutes. The one I would like most your take on Ms Cleveland inference to Georgia, where if you recall they essentially rendered election code’s mandate of signature verification inoperable despite President Trump timely challenging the outcome, only to have state courts delay a hearing until after the certification. The evidence of more than 35,000 illegal votes being casted by people who moved out from outside their respective county they are registered / originally resided in originally is not disputed by the states Secretary of State. According to MC who appeared on Brian Kilmeade’s radio show today she also is stating 10,000+ GA residents have apparently affirmed they voted incorrectly too. As such, swifter action by the Court could of ultimately resulted in a Court throwing out the 2020 presidential election result entirely. Add insult to injury is most of mass media these days are not reporting much of this story…

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I went to the Federalist site and could not find a article written by Cleveland on that date. What was the title please?

Sorry it was June 22nd, typo-entitled “J6 committee focuses on election fraud claims while ignoring tactics used to rig the 2020 election”

I’ll take a look at it… but I’ve yet to come across one of these “undisputed” claims of fact or evidence that turned out that way after digging in a bit. I’ll post my impressions when I digest the article.

Maybe this will be a pleasant 1st then…

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Here is another article by Margot Cleveland from last summer on this same concern in Georgia…


That makes a wild assumption as to the distribution of those votes.

I don’t see why that is. Disputed signatures still had to be cured by re-engaging the voter. The claim seems to be that requiring two election judges to sign the rejection made the check inoperable?


I’m not embracing that conclusion. And still this is pretty far off from rigged or fraud. The ballots still needed signatures, the signatures were still verified and unverified signatures were allowed curing.

For this to move the needle they need to show that fraudulent votes were accepted … that is the overarching claim.

I think the 10000 is a refinement on the 35000.

This is the only thing in the article that approaches a legitimate claim of impropriety.

My understanding is that using USPS data, 35000 voters may have moved out of the county they voted in prior to the election.

With the passage of time, 10000 of these address changes appear to be permanent.

There is supposedly an investigation into this but I can’t find out more detail.

There are extenuating nuances to the law and practice that require more examination than just using the change of address. Likely this won’t excuse all 10000, but could excuse a big percentage of them.

Hopefully the GA investigation comes out with some conclusion on this.

I commented on the two aspects you focused on. The rest of the points in the article are probably a waste to discuss in detail. There are two categories:

  • “process” issues… these don’t and should not invalidate votes. Law and courts address this… non-material anomalies do not invalidate otherwise legal votes. So illegal drop boxes or other problems would not invalidate the votes when adjudicated. They cure is to prohibit the change.

  • social unfairness. This is not “rigging” this is how society functions, has functioned, will function. A quote from the article:

Elections can also be rigged when the media — establishment and social — serves as the state-run outlet for its favored political candidate.

That is a perverse conclusion. We have free expression. It is well known, protected, time honored for individuals, corporations, cartels, mobs, religions, unions, clubs, parties and any other interest group to use that freedom to lie, persuade, cajole, irritate, advocate and manipulate public option by amplifying thier chosen message in media. That is not fraud or rigging.

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