2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 2)

I have no idea how imaginative you are. That’s very true. Imagination doesn’t have bounds. It’s free to roam.


Thank you to whoever moved us and my apologies

You see…you just PROVED my point. It was me…and…you’re welcome. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

What point? Silly ness

Yes…and you do make me laugh. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Ah ok. So once again, when dominion gets paid and when all your imaginings are proven to be imaginings i hope you will take the time to learn but i highly doubt it.

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…and years from now, if that’s what it takes, when the truth is revealed, I’ll wager you’ll develop amnesia. :sunglasses::tumbler_glass:

The amnesia thing never happened to me before so you can wager me all you want.

The truth is that you believe in fairy tales solely based in partisanship. It’s sad

…drip, drip, drip… :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Antibiotics usually help :grin:

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Better yet is the State of Arizona having an election integrity unit within law enforcement to do the heavy lifting here.

Saw this clip on OANN that reiterated the “evidence” recently turned over to Arizona AG is very compelling.

Even hinted it was “bullet proof” and could very well lead to prosecution of specific people too…


My favorite part of that clip is the chyron that says “Eleciton Integrity”

Interview mixed the Pima county canvas and the Maricopa audit, but I think he was referring to the Maricopa audit results forwarded to the AG.

I have no doubt there will be some criminal findings… on order of 10-20 persons who voted from a prior address, and perhaps a few that voted in the name of an ex wife, etc.

I am a bit skeptical that the AG was given thousands of names/registrations/addresses and has not said a peep. You would think a good chunk of these have been examined by now. It’s not a huge undertaking to look up the person and the registration and determine if the person lived at the address. Or if two ballots with the same name are the same or different people.

Personally I think the AG will drag this out as long as possible (for politics) prosecution one or two at a time and never clearly indicating how many of the thousands have been “cleared” as OK.

If the AG follows that political path, it closes out hope that a law enforcement unit is the correct home for election integrity given that the AG is a political position.

Bipartisan boards, insulated (as much as is possible) from partisanship may just be the best we can get.

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Sounds like you are hinting and suspect the delay on getting out definitive news is politically motivated more than anything else?

I believe law enforcement investigations of this scale and magnitude are often innate to be rather time consuming. So with caution there’s thoroughness too.

Yes I am. It’s an opinion, not fact. I draw that conclusion based on the intensity of pressure put on R’s to do everything possible to support the claim of massive fraud. Eagerness to clear up the audit red flags will bring opposition to this AG.

We will see in due time, but given the amount of concern and interest I don’t see why all 20,000 registrations need to be fully investigated before updating the public. But perhaps that is what is being done.

The key will be if they update the public on individual charges without also updating us on the number of cases cleared.

I am hoping that the FOI court cases winding through force the release of the audits secret findings… so that the public can see these duplicate names and address issues for themselves.

Given what I have learned about the audit process I think a significant number of the 20K problems will turn out to be not problems at all.

That is my guess.


Trump** claimed 5,000 dead voters in Georgia.

An investigation found 4.


4 whole dead voters.

Almost enough to overturn the election


Yeah but that guy who yelled “Let’s go, Brandon” on the Santa call with the Bidens says the election was definitely stolen, so who are you going to believe?

…and there I was watching a camera observing an arena in Fulton County, Georgia where counting was going on the night of the election. The problem is, the observers were sent home. It was “investigated” and the person in charge answered the courts that this was all due to a “miscommunication”. K…but the counting resumed very shortly after the observers were sent home. In fact, the counting resumed so quickly, that if there was a miscommunication, there was plenty of time to go to the parking lot and tell those same observers this? That didn’t happen. I don’t give a rat’s ass as to the excuses being made. You can’t remove the factual timeline of what went down. There was intentional fraud, no matter how history is now trying to be rewritten.

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