2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 2)

Nope. Here is the text of what was said.

Why are you not a fan of Morrison?

a few wimpers from the alt-right, but we mostly laughed.

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Thanks for the link. Probably not the thread to discuss Morrison.

Waiting for the cyber ninjas report

Any day now…would be nice.


Lindell’s latest claim is that 100,000 votes in Alabama were “flipped” to Biden from Trump.

Trump won the State by 25 points.

This dude is seriously tilting at windmills.

Why would one bother to do that in a state where it would make absolutely no difference? Second question, if one was able to do what was alleged, why would one not expend all the time and effort required into House of Reps and Senate elections where it would make a difference?

It seems to me that the longer this farce goes on, the more bizarre the claims get.

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The claims don’t have to be logical to be effective.

The big bold faced lie.

Presentations open to the public regarding audit findings commence this Friday, Sept 24th @ 1PM local time in Arizona Senate chamber.

Add to that Maricopa had settled this past Sunday with the state AG and will finally cooperate with auditors requests on evidence info previously delayed being provided despite multiple subpoena’s being served.

This video attached herein mentions the mutually agreed upon Go-between is much like utilizing a judge. Also seems like this should alleviate at least some chain of custody concerns already raised by county officials and the like too…


Consider what the word “principle” is defined as a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior for a chain of reasoning. Thus, most anyone who expresses their opinion this type of alleged election fraud activity is very likely systemic and widespread. As such, logical to also conclude the underlying concerns are likely manifested more broadly in many-all states to some degree too. Even some where outcomes of a declared victor would not necessarily change as a result.

Trump has always been Trump, to me what is amazing is just how eager and ready the Republican base was/is to give loyalty so long as the mantra of “stick it to the libs” was at the forefront.

Gladly and willingly giving up established principles and ideas if it meant Trump could make them “feel” better…and he did Trump is a great showman.

He is Hollywood

One should add “un” at the beginning. Speaking of logic: logic would dictate that if there had been consequential election fraud by the Dems, the Dems would have increased their majority in the House of Reps and picked up more seats in the Senate. Oh, and let’s not forget the absolute dearth of evidence to support the claim.

Equally amazing is that they do not recognise that Trump will not reciprocate the loyalty to those supporting him.

Certainly the latest polls are showing many people in America cannot “feel” much of anything positive coming on the horizon as a result of #46’s actions to date.

What does any of that have to do with what I said?

Not if they had believed their own propaganda about how unpopular Trump was, and had underestimated just how many votes they would have to manufacture to beat him.

Every poll and four years of approval ratings prove that it was not propaganda. And the popular vote loss in two elections is also telling. Along with the fact that Trump won 2016 with three states margin less then 1%. I just don’t understand why you folks continue with the narrative that Trump was more popular then he actually was.


I predict that if one state overturns a Democrat wining a election and hands it to a Republican, that will signal the end of the GOP.

depends on how good the kool aid really is.

Far fewer votes would be required to influence the results of a House of Reps or Senate election than the presidential election.