2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 2)

Those are the same people that believed substantial fraud occurred even with no proof.

So the idea they will latch on to made up stories by a Trump** supporting hit group is no surprise.


I think it will be released two weeks after Trumps** health care plan that will provide coverage for everyone, better medical care, and for lower cost then now.


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As I said, the raison d’etre is voter suppression.

Are they members of the flat earth society as well?

Many of the present crip of Democrats have been in government for a lot more years than that. They’ve made a lot of promises in that time that have not been delivered. What’s taking so long?

The Mueller report took three years. What took them so long?

Who will not be able to vote who should be able to vote?

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We have not heard anyone recently claim that the earth is indeed flat but in Arizona, General Flynn is saying around the world they will be able to hear how preliminary audit findings there may ultimately lead to several others states doing the same thing too .


Why would anyone take notice of what he has to say?

This can be safely ignored.


He is saying more than that. He is saying that it will lead to decertification of the AZ electors.

It seems he is somebody who has made up his mind already:

“Everybody knows that he election was stolen,” he asserted. “There is no way in the world that 80 million people voted for this administration occupying the White House, no way.”

The old “everbody knows” claim.

Because he says some intelligent things. One of my favorites was that Trump should impose martial law to force new elections in battleground states.

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didn’t he try to kidnap someone to sell them to Turkey to be tortured and killed?

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he did like a few month ago suggest a military coup at a convention.

Or how about secretly work for at least two private entities, one of them foreign, while serving as National Security Advisor?

Anybody care to guess when the AZ audit will be released?

Doesn’t seem to matter at this point. The outcomes are already known.

  1. The audit reports something nefarious happened. The audit process has been so insecure and potentially biased there is no way the findings will be upheld in court. Trump fans use that as additional evidence the “system” is against them. Trump fans claim vindication.

  2. The audit reports nothing nefarious happened. Trump fans claim the audit was compromised, the findings are inaccurate or not all information was reviewed. Trump fans claim vindication.

In the end, no matter the result, Trump fans will feel vindicated. Everyone else will continue to point and laugh.


Not as long as there’s money to be scammed.

My guess would be the day after the 12th of never.

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You’d think that 10 months after the election and 6 months after the Arizona audit began people would start to see that. They’re being led on by promises that any day now there will be incredible results to prove them right. All that’s needed is a little more time and money. There’s so much sunk cost at this point, most will go to the grave thinking Trump lost a stolen election. It won’t matter there is nothing to prove it.

I’d like to think as individuals they’d be able to take an objective look at the situation and realize it for what it is. If you haven’t found something by now it’s because you’re horribly incompetent, those that did it are so good you’ll never expose them, or there is nothing to be found. When they come together as a group and get riled up it’s a lost cause though. To them there will be only one answer - the one they want. Conned by their own party.


It is really sad to see how many folks have been sucked into the con, the big lie. We are now seeing a carryover where Elder is already saying that if he loses the election was rigged. And in many states the chant of restoring voter confidence in elections is a smoke screen to enact voter suppression laws. I believe that this whole thing will backfire on them and many of those Trump supporters will be voted out.
The majority of Americans are smarter then the crap that is being peddled. Trump is a excellent con man.
But it is sure disappointing to see how many folks got taken in.