2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 2)

Do suicides count now?

Are they being included in that total?

It was my understanding there were three deaths by trampling.

I am aware of two of them.

The suicides were days later.

You have a link?

Per Dr. Francisco Diazā€™s official determinations:

ā€¢ Ashli Babbitt , 35, died from a gunshot wound to her left shoulder

ā€¢ Roseanne Boyland , 34, died of acute amphetamine intoxication

ā€¢ Kevin Greeson , 55, died of hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

ā€¢ Benjamin Phillips , 50, died of hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

DC medical examiner confirms causes of death of 4 who died in Jan. 6 Capitol riot ā€“ WPXI

I donā€™t see anything supporting your assertion?


Ah sorryā€¦the three Trump supporters who died were of a drug overdose and coronary complicationsā€¦they all happened during the riotā€¦the two who had the coronary issues collapsed during the riotā€¦the stress almost certainly brought those deaths on.

The suicides of the cops are not being counted in the death total.

Can we now agree, it was a lie?

And arenā€™t being counted.

The two who died of coronary complications collapsed during the riot.

Not a doubt in my mind the stress of the day caused those deaths.

No it was not a lie.

Five people died in the event.

It was a lie. The implication was that 5 people were murdered by Trump supportersā€¦making that day a violent insurrection. Thatā€™s what was fed, thatā€™s what was regurgibleated but it isnā€™t even close to being true and if you canā€™t admit that, even after being proven wrong about ā€œtrampled to deathā€ā€¦then thereā€™s no help for you in the world of reality.

No the implication is five people died in the attack on the Capitol.

At least four of them would not have had it not taken place.

It was a violent insurrection.

Youā€™re minimizing it because you canā€™t deal with the cognitive dissonance that supposed ā€œlaw and order typesā€ attacked the Capitol because they were having a hissy that their guy lost.

That is your problem, not mine.

do you think the Trump supporters who gathered at the Capitol are responsible when people in their group started smashing windows, breaking down doors, assaulting police officers, chanting ā€œHang Mike Penceā€, and walking through the halls of the Capitol building looking for him and Pelosi? Or is someone else responsible?

To clarify, if and when Biden loses in 2024 he will be eligible to run again in 2028.

President Trump after winning again in 2024 will no longer be eligible to run for POTUS as in America there are now two full term limitā€™s in effect.

So if the Dems wanted to cheat rather than have to worry about bamboo ballots they just need a few hundred thousand to move to the smaller red states.

Of course any person found guilty of such behavior should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Too bad the Dems are not consistent in speaking out against these kind of despicable actions especially on any or nearby government grounds.

That would be an erroneous assumption.

So the 2 out of 3 in terms of Frazier and Ali was not relevant?

It was an attempt at levity in responding to Allanā€™s MMA match post.

The issue is Trump supporters are trying to justify the actions of January 6 by pointing out Dem hypocisry.

Guess what? Thatā€™s gaslighting.

Jan 6 was wrong and an attack on our Republic regardless of how hypocritical Dems are.

Peaceful transitions of power are fundamental to a democracy. Continually declaring fraud despite none is corrosive over time. Some Republicans are already losing faith in democracy.