2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 2)

bringing up Joe Scarborough doesn’t make Steve Bannon any more credible. It’s just poor deflection.

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Actually the initial deflection was off the substance of the people being interviewed by Bannon vs turning it into a character assassination but whatever.

We all have no idea if any preliminary findings have been reported into the Senate already.

On Monday morning, Lin Wood and Sidney Powell - along with every other lawyer dumb enough to sign their names to a “Kraken” has to appear in person, in Federal Court in Michigan to defend themselves against sanctions (up to and including disbarrment).

And to think, it was only 7 or 8 months ago, when we were all supposed to be shaking in our boots because the Kraken was released.


The authors of the article are claiming to have an idea. Not only do the think there is a preliminary report, they think it is going to bring up issues that are confusing.

If the authors are right, I think this is a horrible idea.

No kidding?

Where’s the popcorn…

Reminds me of the story from mythfolklore.blogspot.com:

Brer Rabbit: The Briar Patch

After Brer Fox trapped Brer Rabbit by using the Tar Baby (story), he said, “I’ve got you now, Brer Rabbit, and I’m going to barbecue you for my supper.”

“Why, thank you kindly!” Brer Rabbit exclaimed. “Barbecue does sound good. Just so long as you don’t throw me into the briar patch there!”

“I don’t mean I’m inviting you for barbecue,” Brer Fox explained. “I mean YOU will be the barbecue. I’m going to cook you and then eat you all up!”

“Yes, Brer Fox, I understand,” Brer Rabbit replied, “and I’ve heard you make a mighty fine barbecue sauce indeed. Anything sounds good compared to the briar patch over there!”

Now Brer Fox was curious. “What briar patch?” he asked.

“Over there,” Brer Rabbit said, pointing with his head because his paws were still stuck to the Tar Baby. “Sharpest thorns I have ever seen in any briar patch anywhere!”

“Well,” Brer Fox slowly said, “I had barbecue last night, now that I think about it. Maybe I will have to throw you in that briar patch after all.”

“Oh no!” screamed Brer Rabbit. “No! Please don’t throw me over there in the briar patch, Brer Fox! I’m begging you!”

Brer Fox then grinned an evil grin and pulled Brer Rabbit off the Tar Baby. Using all his strength, he tossed the rabbit straight into the briar patch and waited to hear Brer Rabbit’s squeals of pain, but he heard nothing. Silence.

Then Brer Rabbit stuck his head up from inside the briar patch and shouted, “You must have forgotten, Brer Fox, that I was born and bred in the briar patch! Finest place for a rabbit that there ever could be!” With those words, he scampered off, happy to have escaped from both Brer Fox and the Tar Baby.

(photo by Joe Penniston)

I’m not sure I understand your point, here.

Are you saying that Lin Wood and Sidney Powell were “born and bred” defending themselves in sanctions hearings?

No, Michigan is Brer Fox thinking they have the Brer Rabbits trapped. Disbarring them in on state sounds good, just so long as you don’t throw me to the wolves where the general public will really lynch us.

I don’t really understand what you’re trying to say.

But we’re talking about federal court, not state court.

These type of witch hunt type exercises will prove futile in the grande scheme. Just like the honorable Guiliani, former mayor of New York these two lawyers are becoming household names in the public eye and ultimately will be adored as legendary patriots. And cumulatively led by President Trump the election fraud hoax will be unveiled and net Republicans a trifecta of control in both chambers of Congress and the White House once the next two election cycles are in.


Gonna have to stop you right there.

The delights of popular delusion are quite fleeting.

Giuliani is desperately trying to fundraise for his defense. Have you donated yet?

This is a fantasy.

You understand that, right?

It really is a shame that you guys are incapable of feeling shame.

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You missed the point. And it was not that because Joe Scarborough is a TV anchor, Bannon is reliable.

I have my doubts there will be another scheduled election.

No, he’s a con man.

Those who find him "reliable* are marks.

Did I misplaced a comma. Or did you deliberately Adam Schiff my post? Let me rephrase my point.

You missed the point. And the point was not that Bannon is reliable because Joe Scarborough is a TV anchor.

No. He’s not.